Daryn didn't know how to finish the scarf. Very funny right, she knows how to start, how to knit, but doesn't know binding off. So, I went to this website: http://www.knittinghelp.com/ and got help! =) So, I now have my first completed knitted scarf. Which, by the way, Daryn doesn't want because it's pink. She wants a purple scarf, so I think on Friday, after the test, I'll stop by Hirakata-shi to get the yarn... And then, next week, maybe I'll drag Robbie there for him to get a pair of knitting needles, and a ball of yarn to start playing around with, since he wants to learn how to knit too.
Anyways, I'm very very proud of my finished scarf. As both sets of batteries are dead (charging them now), I cannot take a picture of my finished product. But will do so at a later point in time. :)
I was in the train today and apparently, there was this guy who was interested in a girl. He sat next to the girl, grinning in a rather silly fashion. The girl had a, "Erm, what the hell, get me out of here" kinda look. I was super amused. Hahahahahahahaha... In the end, the guy didn't muster enough courage to talk to the girl. He only mustered enough courage to sit beside her! haha, and to occasionally look in her direction. But otherwise, nothing else. Dang. I was so looking forward to a good show! :(
Hmm the schedule for the week:
Wednesday - Lesson Test. Surprisingly difficult for the Listening Comprehension part. They were speaking slowly, but still a little fast for me to catch. Writing was relatively easier.
Thursday - Presentation on my "entrepreneurial idea", which I'm thinking of presenting: Take-outs in Japan. I don't really see take-outs in japan, so I think maybe it'd be a good idea? Don't think it'd take off though. Have to convince the class in 2 minutes why I think it'd work. haha.
Friday - Katakana quiz. Kuzuha Mall. will finally go and buy Cher's clothes. According to my kor, they only have limited pieces. If I don't buy, it'd all be sold out. :( Don't want Cher to kill me! hahahahaha.
Saturday - Kiyomizudera at Kyoto
Sunday - Nara (and deers)
Next Saturday - Sports Festival with Masayuki and Yuko. Evening: maybe spent at Osaka (see what Robbie, Ashley, Amy and Daryn say)
Next Sunday - Flea Market at Kyoto.
Wanted to see Prof Scott regarding his class outings, but he wasn't in today. I'll go look for him tomorrow...
I have to stop going to Kyoto so much! haha. Transport eats into my expenses like crazy. I totalled my expenses for the past 3 weeks and was horrendously shocked to see about 700 spent already in only 3 weeks! :( Granted that over half of it is tied up in the concession ticket, textbooks and the phone, the fact that I spend more than 100 per week is frightening. :( I have to stop buying clothes, after all, they won't fit in my luggage back. :x
*evil thought* When Kor comes to Japan, I'll get him to bring back stuff for me! :P:P:P [nah, I won't. I'm nice, but it's a thought worth considering if I'm ever desperate enough. MUAHAHAHAHHA.]
Must go Karaoke. Must go Karaoke soon. haha.
Was watching the variety show with Yuko. Yuko knows every single song that's being played lah, even the 1980s songs. I asked her to go with me to Karaoke. haha. She was a bit hesitant, but nevermind lah. Not everyone opens up so easily. Plus we have a big language barrier, bigger than the one between Masayuki and me, so maybe that's why she feels uncomfortable. haha, but nevermind. We shall see how it goes.
I've been charging my batteries and they suddenly died on me. This morning, my (Singapore) phone started acting strangely. It was 100 % yesterday, but then today it heated up and suddenly dropped to 13%. Then it flashed the red danger sign. I wonder what's wrong with it. All the appliances I've brought here are acting really strangely. Maybe I need new rechargeable batteries, and battery charger. Maybe Nipponbashi (Den-den town) has them cheaper? Not sure, but always worth to check it out.
Here's the song that the group who got 95/100 sang. It's not all that great from this video though. The group was more powerful, sang with more emotions, harmonized (obviously, there were 5 of them!) better. The melody is very very soul-stirring though. And it's another beautiful song =)
There was another one by the original singer, Kobayashi Akiko below, but that one doesn't sound as good as the guy's version...
Forgot to tell you the name of the song. Blur me. 恋におちて (koi ni o chi te) - Falling in Love. I don't know what the song is about though, but it sounds like there it's a love triangle. "Three hearts" or something at the end of the song...
P.S. For the first time in many years, I actually sat down, and practised piano for 1.5 hours. It's never happened before, even when I was learning piano. The max no. of hours was 1. haha, I'm not much of a determined person unless I love the song very much. I must love the song then, for me to practise so hard. Got through the 5 pages, except for three bars, which were very difficult. I need to scrutinize it more...
I'm working on a knitted tie right now! I wonder how it's going to turn out.
ReplyDeleteYou should check whether your chargers can convert 100V current. Don't charge anymore if it doesn't, it'll spoil the thing.
checked already. said it works on 100V-240V... Don't understand why :(