I had a minor accident with the bicycle this morning (yep, what a klutz). Japanese roads are dangerous for cyclists. Especially one who hasn't been on a bicycle for a year or so. On our way from the grocery stall to the supermarket, I lost control of the bicycle and fell onto the roads. Fortunately, a) there wasn't a car beside me, or else I'll have to pay for the damages to the car. b) I escaped with nary a scratch (the tarmac wasn't all that rough I think). But, two cars had to wait for me to pick myself (AND the huge amount of grocery) from the road. HOW EMBARRASSING.
Today was especially isogashii = busy day. After meeting, went for a small piano gathering (of 4 people) at Child Space with Okaasan. They were practising piano. Apparently, Okaasan wants me to perform on my farewell party. Haha, I picked this beautiful jpop song. Hope to be able to play it beautifully on the day of my farewell, without crying. It's a very sad song, I tell you... But just so beautiful!
I'm doing things I won't do in Singapore. Haha... Like, picking up piano again. And like KNITTING. Tadah! This is 1/10th finished scarf. Yes, many many mistakes. Don't remind me I dislike looking at the holes which remind me that I made a mistake.... *sighs* Don't know why I started knitting, but it's good, because... I can use the scarves for winter. hehe.
I forgot to update pictures of my Welcome Party. Here it is!!!
Haha, first picture: Yuko spreading the dough to make the pizza. The pizzas were surprisingly good, you know! We had (look at the 2nd picture): Pepperoni, onions, mushrooms (yuck), corn, chicken ham, sausage, potatoes, LOADS OF CHEESE (yummmmmmmm), cooked chicken, pineapples, etcetcetc. Daryn and I helped to make the pizza (both of us avoided adding mushrooms. haha. so the first few pizzas had a lot of onions cos I love onions, and no mushrooms at all). The fourth picture shows Daryn spreading the tomato sauce. We had to add ALOT of tomato sauce cos the ingredients wouldn't stick otherwise. But then, we also added a lot of cheese (not for the same reason, but just because we love cheese, as does Okaasan! :)) The oven is pretty small, but it worked just fine :) Haha, at some point, some of my pizzas got a little burnt. but still delicious! :) And obviously, the 3rd picture is of Masayuki eating... He never takes proper pictures. Also does something stupid the second before I press the shutter... The 6th picture was included to show u the variety of pizzas we had. Seaweed/ham/potato pizza which was just a little spicy. That kinda pizza I think only the Japanese can come up with. but it was delicious anyways.
I didn't take pictures of the 3 other adults who came for the party, and 6 other children cos they were in another room at the time I was in the mood to take pictures. Difficult for me to talk to the adults, cos of the language barrier. But Daryn managed just fine :) All in all, it was a great party (though it left me very very tired the next day)... *dreams about the pizza* It really was good. haha.
Hope today's tempura is equally delicious! hehe. can't wait for the food today! yay!!!
Hmm, Okaasan was telling me yesterday about two ex-homestay students. Apparently, the one from Vietnam was so homesick she cried every single day for the 1st month and the 4th month. I think it's silly. Her parents borrowed a huge amount of money to send her here, and she spent all that time crying?!!!! I'd spend the same amount of time crying, but for a different reason, because I have to LEAVE here... what the heck... Haha, because of this Vietnamese girl, Okaasan decided that she'd only take boys in instead. -__-|| [and no, I didn't edit the application to say I'm a guy lah. She just had a string of boys and I think she got tired of guys.]
So, the next was a Canadian called Mary. Mary had a nose-ring, and Okaasan disliked that because the nose ring was equivalent to a tattoo. It's "bad". So, Okaasan didn't like her either.
I hope not to do some stupid thing that would make Okaasan dislike me. And knowing her, she won't show that she's displeased. She'd just keep it to herself. Such people are scary cos u never know what they're thinking. *shrugs* I've become a little lax in manners (familiarity breeds contempt you know). Should start bucking up again!!!
So, now, to the 60-page reading that I keep talking about but never ever got round to reading...
P.S. The trip to Nara this Tuesday has been replaced by a trip to Kobe with the entire host family (and hopefully, with Daryn. but Daryn's not replying my mail :() because they want to want the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. YES, u did not read that wrongly. 三国演义! I came all the way to Japan to watch 三国演义 in Japanese. -___-||| It's going to be a play... Haha, 三国演义 and I have some fate. I studied it in SNGS, watched Red Cliff, and now watching 三国演义 in Japanese. -_________-||| Oh wells, it will be very interesting then. Okaasan said not to worry about the cost of the play because she insisted on paying.
I feel so fortunate to be in this host family.
I asked Alex some time ago, "Do you miss being at the Seminar House?" He said, "a little." And asked me the same question. My reply was an resounding "No". Why would I miss the Seminar House when I get all these exciting things to do, and interesting things that happen to me?
Haha, I THINK Okaasan will teach me to make mochi. Not sure, but I THINK she will. We got an ko (red bean) paste, soy bean powder. Okaasan has flour at home. But even if we don't make mochi, we can always eat the an ko with bread for our breakfast, and pour the soy bean powder into milk. It apparently is delicious :)
hahaha mochi! go learn how to make and make for us when u return.
ReplyDeleteNow that you've learned how to cook Japanese food, you're obligated to demonstrate it to us when you get back. BWAHAHAHAHA...
ReplyDeleteTo JOn: Okaasan never said she was going to teach me though :( I shall ask her someday. Or, there's always recipe from the internet. haha.
ReplyDeleteTo Ashke: I cant cook. I can only watch her cook. Haha, but gambarimasu!