Wednesday, December 24, 2008

last post for the year (probably)

Will not be updating till I reach Singapore 3rd Jan (by then, this blog would not be necessary for people to catch up with my travels etc). I'll leave for Tokyo tomorrow and be back in Kyoto on 31st but no access to internet till I'm back in Singapore.

So, till then, Happy Xmas and a Merry New Year.

Jya, mata ne~

P.S. My dad is coming to fetch me from the airport! Hehe, so happy! =)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sayonara, Daryn

I sent Daryn off today. Stayed over at her homestay last night to pack stuff and everything. We've got really great and really interesting pictures from yesterday and today (especially that mad rush at the airport). Plus some act cute Kimono-wearing session...

I don't know why I'm crying... Maybe it's just everything. Everyone leaving, no one staying, everything falling apart, having to return to Singapore where there are horrible memories that I'd rather forget, people whom I don't want to see or think about... Reality check, whatever. Everything. JUST PLAIN EVERYTHING.

It only hit me today that I won't see Daryn for such a long time. I've been thinking about it, and I know it's gonna happen. Yet, the magnitude of it only hit me today when I wrote an email to her just now...

I swear, this is the one of the few times I'm crying in Japan.

Thou shalt not cry. Thou shalt be strong and carry on...

Or so I tell myself.

I'm getting a headache. Tomorrow have to wake up pretty early to go get YK from KIX. And also to pack tonight so that tomorrow will not be a mad rush...

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Whining again, Himeko-chan? Stop whining!

I am planning the Tokyo trip and am looking through Daryn's pictures of Tokyo (the weekend I went to Arashiyama and Mt Hiei) to get some inspiration as to where else to bring YK to (and for me to explore on foot. Not that BK's descriptions and places to go aren't enough. They're plenty enough, but we didn't go to Akihabara the last time, so I wanna go).

Suddenly felt like crying as I was looking through the pictures. Perhaps it's because the Tokyo trip she took was without me. She went by herself to meet her friend there. So, perhaps it's a reminder that when she's back in US, she will no longer have a life with me actively in it.

It's not like she's gone back. But... I just suddenly feel like I'd no longer see her. A presence I am so accustomed to, will soon be gone. We see each other every single day lah! What will it be like to not see her all the time?


I can no longer email her phone and receive replies within minutes. Of course, I can email her lah, and receive replies in maybe 12 hours' time because I am no longer in the same timezone as her.

I can no longer go with her to places and get lost together (but ALWAYS, ALWAYS find our way back. ALWAYS. Haha. I have to emphasize that =P)

I can no longer whine about horrible people to her face to face and have her analyze the situation for me and give me the best advice possible

We will no longer have long chats over lunches about our private lives. Actually, that's not true. We have long chats whether or not it's over lunches. haha.

I will no longer be able to make bento for her. Or bring lunch to school for her (be it in the form of biscuits or otherwise).

We will no longer encourage each other to spend (or save, depending on the situation) money.

We can never go to Bookoff and buy a gazillion books and worry about overweight luggage again.

I will never hear her sing Phantom of the Opera again.. [haha, today I called her my IPOD].

I will no longer get suan-ed by her for my "broken" English, "broken ears", "broken eyes", and for being "ji ko ai" (narcissistic).

We can no longer have the routine, "dammit" "janet" "i love you"

I cant teach Singlish to her anymore. Haha, not that she actually ever got anyone of my singlish words except maybe "sianz" and "siao". haha. Even tried to teach her "sua ku" (mountain turtle) but it failed... And "alamak" but I don't think she remembers. At least she knows "aiyoh" in place of "aiyah".

I'd no longer hear her meow. (and woof in response)

She'll no longer cut my hair/bangs.

We can no longer take purikura together and pose in some silly way

No more discarded cookies and cream coffee! [I hate coffee, but cookies and cream.. hmm, yummy.]

No more staring at kanji together and wondering what they mean

No more hankering after crepes. Or parfaits. Or vending machine icecreams in Winter.

I can no longer throw Japanese-speaking staff to her for translation. "Daryn, you speak to him." haha.

I seem to be able to go on and on and on. When we practically meet each other everyday and seem to have been fastened by superglue, I think I can safely say... There're too many experiences to list... haha, even though I'm trying to list them =X

Oh, Daryn. I wish you were coming to Tokyo with me too! haha, then you and YK can draw while I figure out the maps and getting us to places... *sighs*

P/S. It doesn't mean my Singaporean friends are unimportant. Just that, I know I'm going back and meeting my Singaporean friends. But, in Daryn's case, we don't know exactly when we'll meet. It's a very hazy event in the (near, hopefully) future...

Kyoto - Last day for Daryn

Last day in Kyoto for Daryn. We went to Toji Temple. I mixed up Toji Temple with Toji-in Temple. Fortunately for the two of us, I found it out just in time when we were in the train to Chushojima. Bought a yukata and a kimono (each for 1000yen) there. They're both very very very heavy, so Daryn was suggesting to wear all of those on me when I board the plane. Hahahahahaha. I can't imagine. THOSE TWO WITH TRACK SHOES / BOOTS? PLUS my two coats, AND my shirt and pants? You gotta be kidding me! I'd die from heat before I even board the plane lah.

Hmm, I sometimes wonder why I buy things which I cannot wear or use in Singapore. I definitely can't wear the kimono or yukata in Singapore, cos I don't have the full set. I don't have obi (though the pink strap that the guy gave us could serve as an obi/cord), no geta, no tabi... =( Haha, how would I be able to wear the Kimono out of the house? No, the correct sentence is, How the hell would I be able to wear the kimono around Singapore without people staring at me as if I lost my mind? Or as if I'm an alien???

So why did I get it? Because they were both pretty. Haha, end of story. Though, I still think that maybe, just MAYBE I should have gotten the pink haori to match my pink kimono and not have gotten my purple yukata... But then, *sighs* What to do, what's done already been done. Can't turn back time and go hunt it down, can I?

Spent quite a bit of time at Toji Temple and then we went to Shijo to have our parfait. Haha. It was so good! Mine was caramel apple parfait (though I couldn't taste the apple at all). Daryn's was strawberry icecream, vanilla icecream and chocolate icecream with loads of strawberries, a waffle, two pocky sticks and some nuts or something below the whole concortion. AND, it was on a crepe. Haha, we're totally crazy about crepes. Wait, make that, we're totally crazy :P I hated hers though. It was CHOCOLATE ICECREAM, yuck. By the time I got to my vanilla icecream, I'd run out of ingredients. So, I took out my cereal (I was carrying cereal, cos today I woke up late and didn't eat breakfast) and poured it into my icecream. it tasted fantastic!!! haha, granola with icecream =) A great combination, if I may say so myself. Could be a breakfast. Instead of serving cereal with milk, we can serve cereal with icecream! =) Haha, wouldn't that be great?!

Anyways, dropped by Sanjo Bookoff where Daryn did not get anything but for once, I got something. 2 FMA books for Jiajia as her omiyage. She was the one who introduced FMA to me. Actually, I wanted to get FMA art book for her, but I couldn't find it AT ALL. I found the anime guide, but then she's finished watching the entire series, so it's not of much use to buy the guide. Anyways, I SAW FMA BOOK 19. Omg, I hope that Singapore's got Book 19 in Chinese lah... And I also looked for ヤンキーくんとメガネちゃん and found only 1 and 3. Nevermind, I think Singapore has Book 7 (though Book 10 has been released in Japan already). Haha, so I shall hunt it down when I'm back in Singapore =)

We're both tired, Daryn and I. *sighs*

And maybe just a tad sad... Every time she says (or sometimes I say), "Don't worry, I'll (you'll) be back in US soon" I feel kinda sad. Haha, but still, we must treasure the last 2 days together!


I translated something using the online translator and was super amused by the answers that I got from the online translator. Either, a) it was ungrammatical, or b) the online translator is not smart enough. My answer is that it's just not smart enough! I swear whatever I was trying to translate was actually grammatical!!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Friday and Saturday

On Friday, sent my things back by ship. Very expensive to do so! It's 4900 for a 8kg box. *shrugs* But, I shan't bother with the cost. After all, if I took it to the airport, I think I'd be charged extra too. So, I shan't worry too much about the cost.

Also bought tickets to KIX so that I can send Daryn off. She insisted on paying for a bit of my ticket, cos she feels guilty that she's the reason I'm spending so much money [the haruka limited express is not cheap, at all]. But, I think it's fine =) I'm willing to spend a bit of money to send my good friend back to America, so it's not a very huge expenditure lah...

Tried to go to the Costume Museum on Friday. We got lost halfway (cos my map didn't have the Costume Museum printed on it) but found it by accident because I recognised the kanji for museum, and Daryn saw the words, "C...tume". Unfortunately, despite our elation, we shortly realised that it was closed for renovation. We saw pictures of it from outside and it looked so cool! My guidebook says that (if it were open) we could try the clothes inside (all the kimonos, yukatas... sighs. What a total waste).

And, we ate at an izakaya at Shijo, FINALLY =) haha. We kept saying that we'd go to one, but we keep forgetting. Plus, because I'm miserly, we seldom go out to eat. So, this time, we actually ate dinner at an Izakaya. This izakaya we went, we found by accident! I'd lost my/our map. Haha, OOPS. Daryn was a bit exasperated with me (just like Darren would be, had he been with me). So, we sat down and Daryn packed my bag for me. Haha, it was so funny. It's like I'm a little girl getting scolding from her elder sister for being overly messy. But anyways, so we randomly wandered into this small, quaint street and guided by our noses, found this yakiniku izakaya.

The selection was a little strange (I should have taken a picture of it). Reminds me of what Chinese people eat: Tongue, heart, liver, intestines (big and small), pork, squid, SPECIAL beef (whatever that meant), vegetables. Daryn and I ordered a plate of vegetables, a plate of squid (she loves squid, I'm not a big fan of it, I can eat it and if it's good, like it. but, i won't actively seek it out), 2 plates of pork (it was good!), a bowl of rice each. Plus, a bottle of hot/warm sake. Daryn didn't really like it, but I liked it. It was sweet and had a vanilla tinge to it that she said she couldn't taste. But whatever it is, it made me a little light-headed. Just a little bit lah. By the time we went out into the cold again, I was completely fine (at least the wind woke me up completely).

It seems that the two of us have an obsession with crepes. We went and got crepes along the way back to Sanjo Station. Haha. One strawberry, banana, peaches and custard cream crepe that we shared. It was really good! Haha, after eating, we were randomly bursting into songs. It's very strange, we keep singing songs from "Sound of Music". Haha. Even while hunting for the Costume Museum, we were also singing random songs "I will survive!"

And we of course, ended up at, Sanjo's Bookoff. Haha, where neither of us bought anything, but still, it was fun to read all those books. :)


Today was spent in Osaka. We went to Momodani and I got 5 pairs of socks, 2 pairs of leggings, 1 thing for Teddy's birthday that I missed these past 2 years (i'd initially promised to get him a toy piano haha, but I forgot all about it), one blue engineer-artsy shirt (daryn calls it that anyways) that's missing a button, one white erm, pullover thingie (?), one skirt with pants. And why do I bother buying so much when I'm returning? Don't ask me! I was just... seized by the need to buy the leggings and socks! They are very important to my future dress sense, you know. I needed to get Teddy something anyways, and the souvenir I got him initially isn't enough for the past few years of missing his birthday (though it's technically his own fault for being in UK!) , the tops just because they were cute and cheap, and the skirt because Daryn got one and we now have matching earrings, matching puffballs, matching clips, matching... just matching stuff! haha.

I spent a helluva lot of money today... But then, I'm leaving for Tokyo already, so it'd likely be one of those few last times in Kyoto/Osaka that I'd spend that amount of money.

Then we went to Korean Town and ate our lunch at a Korean restaurant. Don't ask me what I'm doing in Japan eating Korean food. Haha, but lunch was really good and I had fun. =)

The best part however, was the night.

We went to Osaka City Hall, where they had the Hikari Renaissance. They lit up the entire path in front of the Osaka City Hall. It was so pretty! And the lights flickered according to the music. Later on, while wandering about, we found this place that allowed us to draw pictures on wood (and it was free!) It's limited to 200 pieces per day, and Daryn and I each drew one. I got hers, and she got mine :) Hehe, for remembrance!


We took the train, went to Hirakatashi and went to...



I swear, we can't get enough of the place.

I was looking for... ヤンキーくんとメガネちゃん by 吉河美希 (which is at book 10! I only have till book 5), but couldn't find it :'(

I was also looking at Full Metal Alchemist and telling Daryn the bits and pieces that I can remember. So tempted to get Full Metal Alchemist lah. It's damned good a series... *sighs* TOO BAD, I'm not. I'll wait till the entire series is complete, and then only buy it. But still... it's a really fantastic series. I love it so much!

Also looked through some comics by the publisher, Gangan Comics, and I think I like quite a bit of their stuff... Haha, shoujo manga, byebye! Shounen manga, hello! [except, I'd never read naruto, prince of tennis, bleach etc, cos it's just... well, long. Haha]


2 days to Daryn's leaving.

It's so near, so near, so near...

There're so many things we haven't done yet! :( Like going to Arashiyama (though it'd be too cold for me to handle), like exploring more of Osaka (though I never seem to want to, because Kyoto's just better), like finishing the entire sections of manga in the bookoff (we never seem to get enough of the manga! I swear!), like eating parfait at some random nice looking restaurant with delicious looking parfait... like she has to teach me all the conjugations she knows so I can actually properly read manga in its native language (I can't yet :( I buy them to practise reading my japanese), there're so many things we haven't finished doing together yet... How can time pass so quickly?!


At least, we've done things together... I'm glad it was with her I went to Hikari Renaissance... I don't know how on earth to explain this... I would go to Hikari Renaissance myself, if no one wanted to go with me. But, if I were to pick someone to share the experience with, it'd definitely be her.

OK. Should go to sleep now. I shouldn't think so much. We'll still remain friends even after we go back to our respective countries. Haha, and our plan to come back to Japan in Spring 2014 (or isit Spring 2013) will be put in action then.

Friday, December 19, 2008


今日、やっとわかりました!ごめんなさい。私は馬鹿だから、いつも、わかられません。でも、今、わかりました!やっぱり、だめですね。。。<笑う> だいじょうぶだとおもいます。私はきれいで、しんせつで、あかるい女の子です!たくさんおとこのひとは私に興味がありますから、だいじょうぶですよ!きみはひとつだけですよ。



こたえ: こころがこわれました。


Thursday, December 18, 2008



Our Entrepreneurship presentation is FINALLY over.

NO MORE STAYING UP TILL 4AM TO EDIT LESS THAN PERFECT REPORTS (it's not that I'm a perfectionist or something. The rest of the group members thought it wasn't a good piece of work either. PP was so annoyed by it she wanted to give him very very few points)


*change of tone*

No more Japanese lessons with Orrin, Michele, Lucia, Kristina, Maiya, Sebastian, Xochil, Matt, Gustav, Andrew, Finley and of course, Naito Sensei and Sakihabara Sensei
No more enjoyable afternoon classes (except business classes. I so hate business classes)
No more slacking in the lounge and hanging out with Alex, Wadey and the rest and trying to actually read my readings for class.
No more seeing Amy, Ashley, Robbie, Becca for our weekly coffee/tea breaks
No more walking into the computer lab and knowing exactly (well, almost exactly) where Daryn's sitting.
No more climbing up 4 levels of staircases, or wondering why the person took the elevator when he just needs to go to the 2nd floor.
No more walking from Gotenyama station to school and worrying for my safety (the walk is enjoyable, just not the... worrisome part)
No more delicious curry rice
No more 150yen udon/soba
No more HUGE onigiris
No more thinking, "School (computer lab) is the only warm place in Japan"

There were plenty of things I didn't look forward to in school, but, I loved school anyways.

Sighs, goodbye school!!

*Reminds self: remember to collect certificate of completion from school, and collect 10,000 yen deposit.





Wednesday, December 17, 2008

It's times like this that I'm glad I've got groupmates

I love PP.. She's sooooooooooo cute! =) hahaha...

Quote (from MSN):
when i was working with him and you guys were at the comp lab
he was trying to do the financials and he made it so simple, no loan, no sales growth. and he said mine is GARBAGE
and ignore his and working on my GARBAGE, i put loan compound interest rate that he couldn't do and the taxes and i made it balanced. i'm so glaad

I know no one would understand that... out of context... But if you're in my group, and knew what was going on, you'd understand why I found that so funny.

Oh, PP. You're so adorable! :) hehe. I love PP...

It's times like this, when you're working through the night... on a draft that your other group member sent which isn't up to your SMU standards (rolls my eyes), that you really appreciate having someone on MSN to solve problems with.

PP, Beg and Paulina are all online.

I really appreciate it...


I said my goodbye to Alex today. He gave me 4 bowls of ramen because I demanded them from him... (haha, a guy who knows the theory, "the way to a (wo)man's heart is through his(her) stomach"! =P Kidding...)

He's not leaving until Saturday evening, I think. But I said sayonara to him just in case we don't run into each other tomorrow, or friday.

I feel so sad. Felt a little bit like crying after I hugged him good bye. I can comfort myself that I'm gonna see him (i'll make sure, dammit) next year in France. But still... It's such a sad thing, to say goodbye... Sighs, I'll kinda miss his jokes about filipinos (he's half filipino) and his obsession with frisbee ("Come play frisbee with me lah" "No." "Why not lah?" "Because I don't like frisbee, you freak."). His teaching me Japanese ("I shouldn't be teaching you this! It's Level 4 stuff!") and testing me kanji ("How do you think this is pronounced?" "hm, maybe yo in?" "ARG!! Why do you know this?!!" "I don't know... Cos I know Chinese?" "ARG, It's so unfair!!"), random meetings in the CIE lounge ("You totally walked by me!" "I didn't see you!" "You're blind lah. You slept with your hair wet."), and the times when both of us fell sick, TWICE. ("I'm sick." "Again? Me too.")

Sayonara, Alex. I'll really really really miss you! ='(


Daryn was telling me about Pon and Zi on Deviantart. :) Credits go to Jeff Thomas, aka azuzephres, for the wonderful Pon and Zi pictures :) I'm posting them here, cos they are just too cute.. :)

This is my fave, especially with the comment from Jeff Thomas: It doesn't matter how many fish there are in the sea if none of them want your bait. hahahaha. I remember a long time ago, Lucia told me, "Don't worry, there are plenty of sakana (fish) in the ocean." I wish I'd had this retort then.

I just find this so sweet. So like what a little kid would say...

This one made me feel like crying. Every single time I look at it.

Pon cried... This one made me feel sad too.

This is pretty sweet and touching =)

I don't know if Pon is a girl or a guy. But Zi (blue) is definitely more violent and says the weirdest things. Haha, go check it out if u're interested...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I've finally got time to pack my room and put stuff into my luggage...

I transfer my bad habits everywhere. Before this, the floor was full of books and paper (very much like the room in Singapore). And at least 4 used cups were on the table (cos I keep forgetting to put the cups back in the sink). Fortunately, I don't have stuff toys in Japan, or else the bed will be lined up with at least 10-15 stuffed toys.

Actually, the curtain rod is meant to put, erm, curtains. But, it's become a hang-dry area for my clothes cos it's just in front of the heater and so, my clothes dry faster that way. [Some clothes just cannot be put in the dryer :(]

Look at the amount of things I've gotta bring back! One huge luggage, one backpack, one handcarry (that at the moment already weighs 7kg) and one entire bag of presents (no, those are not all the presents. the rest are in the luggage). PLUS, one box to ship home (my textbooks and such). And that's only maybe 75%? I still have another 25% to pack. Haha, I was looking through facebook and realised other people have the same problem too! So, next time people going for exchange, please don't bring a lot of things. Cos, even if u tell urself not to buy stuff, u will, eventually... Maybe this problem is only for girls... I never heard Edmund complaining. haha.

Haha, it took me maybe 2 hours to be done packing. Compared to my room in Singapore, which would take 2 days to pack...

I feel a bit sad packing... Cos it's nearing the end of it all... I still have a presentation tomorrow, and that'd be the end of the school semester. I'm left with 1 week to leaving homestay. and about 2-3 weeks to leaving Japan officially.


In desperate need of sleep.

I fell asleep during my exams today.

Bad bad bad. Couldn't re-check my paper at all, cos I was so tired. But I slept 7 hours, so I don't understand why. Must be all the days staying up late doing my papers.

So, tonight, I'll sleep early. And deal with the stupid presentation tomorrow...

I love いつか離れる日が来ても!

I was washing the scissors just now, a few minutes after Wataru got told off for playing with the scissors, and accidentally cut myself with it. HOW DUMB IS THAT LAH. Haha, especially since I was thinking, "Wataru ought to be smacked for handling the scissors like that."

Hirai Ken - いつか離れる日が来ても

I told Okaasan and Yuuko that I like Hirai Ken and Okaasan said, "How come you like all those things that Obasan like?" [i.e. how come u so auntie?] haha. But, Hirai is damned shuai lah! I was watching TV today, and they had Hirai Ken singing: いつか離れる日が来ても. It's a single released in April this year. It's really pretty, the lyrics and the music. I don't have the translation for it (and to translate it I need better Japanese skills than what I have now... haha). I asked Daryn what the title meant, and she said it means, "Even if the day we part comes".

My favourite line is (as usual a sad line): いつか心が壊れても (I think, it means: "Even if someday my heart breaks")

作詩:Ken Hirai 作曲:Ken Hirai

魔法のような笑顔に 何度救われただろう
手をつないだ帰り道 ふと心細くなる

自分より大事なもの 手にするのが幸せだと
教えてくれた君は 僕を強くも弱くもする

「考え過ぎだよ 笑ってよ」僕の頬をつねるけど

出会えた全てを悔やむ事だけは 決してしたくないから
ねぇ 今キスしてもいいかな?
なぜだろう こんなに君を想うだけで 涙が出るんだ

君という宝物が 隣にいる奇蹟を
あの空はおぼえている 時を超えおぼえてる

愛の言葉を並べても 1つにはなれなくて
失う怖さをかき消す様に 何度も何度も

大好きな君を憎む事だけは 決してしたくないから
ねぇ 今抱きしめていいかな?
どうしてこんなに君を想うだけで 苦しくなるんだ

出会えた全てを悔やむ事だけは 決してしたくないから
ねぇ 今キスしてもいいかな?
なぜだろう こんなに君を想うだけで 涙が出るんだ

なぜだろう こんなに君を想うだけで 涙が、、、出るんだ


I bought Daryn a Pokemon Calendar today for her Xmas present since I won't be celebrating Xmas with her (given that she's returning 23rd dec). Neither would I be celebrating her bday with her, so maybe I should get her a birthday present and give her in advance too, or something. But, I'll think about it next time... Anyways, so we were looking at the pictures of Pikachu and then suddenly we started talking about Pokemon episodes.

There was an episode which made me cry. It's called, "Pikachu's Goodbye". It was soooooooo sweet. I watched it when I was younger. I think we even have the VCD. Haha. I went online and found the part which had the song, "The Time Has Come". I didn't cry the 2nd time round, but it's still as touching. Pikachu is soooooooooooooo cute...

And then, we talked about Misty and May's taking over of Misty's position in the anime.

The following AMV is made from the song, "Misty's Song" which talks about how much she likes Ash (etcetcetc) but cannot bring herself to tell him. I liked the song a lot when I first heard it. Now, not allllllllllllll that much.

Misty's Song Lyrics:

Out here in the quiet of the night
Beneath the stars, and moon
We both know we've got somethin' on our minds
We won't admit, but it's true

You look at me, I look away

I wanna tell you what I'm feeling,
But I don't know how to start
I wanna tell you, but now
I'm afraid that you might break my heart
Oh why should anything so easy ever
Be so hard to do
I wanna tell you what I'm feeling,
And to say that, I love you

I practice all the things that I would say
Line by line, every word
I tell myself today would be the day
But everytime, I lose my nerve

I look at you, you look away

I wanna tell you what I'm feeling,
But I don't know how to start
I wanna tell you, but now,
I'm afraid that you might break my heart
Oh why should anything so easy ever
Be so hard to do
I wanna tell you what I'm feeling,
And to say that, I love you

Why do you turn away
It must be, you're afraid like me
I try, but I can't pretend that I,
Don't feel for you, the way I do,
Can't you see

I wanna tell you what I'm feeling,
But I don't know how to start
I wanna tell you, but now,
I'm afraid that you might break my heart
Oh why should anything so easy ever
Be so hard to do,
I wanna tell you what I'm feeling
And to say that, I love you

I wanna tell you what I'm feeling,
But I don't know how to start
I wanna tell you, but now,
I'm afraid that you might break my heart
Oh why should anything so easy ever
Be so hard to do,
I wanna tell you what I'm feeling
And to say that, I love you

(whisper) I love you

Sunday, December 14, 2008

2 down, 1 to go. 1 down, 1 to go.

2 paper submitted, 1 presentation & business plan to go.

1 RWJ finals down (I didn't write too good an essay and had a careless mistake somewhere in my exam and my RWJ reading exam was not 10/10 cos of my stumbling over the kanji, but I won't do too badly overall, I think) and 1 SPJ finals to go! Only started studying RWJ last night at 9. Sighs. To be able to do the paper is already amazing given my state of grogginess... I slept enough, but was so... light-headed today. And it's super cold today too... =X

Note to self: Miss Lee, you're always reading too much into things, you idiot. Stop being so optimistic. [haha, this reminds me of the time when I told Daryn, "I'm optimistic" and then I went on to say, "I like to expect the worst to happen". She stared at me and said, "And... How is that optimistic?" Well, my heart is always optimistic, but my brain is practical. It knows the best way to negate disappointment is to expect the least... So, I can actually be both! =) haha, so there daryn!

Haha, FY called me a nippon-phile and a japan-phile. I can't exactly say I am. If I really was one, I'd be super into the various Jap cultural aspects. But, I still love Japan. =)

[/edit] studying relaxes me. Haha. doing project work stresses me out. Go figure.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Farewell Party - 14 Dec

Today was my farewell party (about 1 week in advance). I don't have many pictures of myself, cos I was busy taking videos and pictures of the entire thing. But even then, I'm too lazy to upload them now. So, I'll upload them 10 years later, maybe.

One thing for sure: There was a lot of food. Haha. Now, I'm so full! =) We had curry, rice, onigiri (heart shaped onigiri!), ichigo-cake (it was fantastic), cheesecake, crackers with kiwi and cream (it was surprisingly good), sandwiches, crackers with ham and cheese, sushi, sashimi, fried chicken, omg, the list goes on and on and on... Everything was so delicious! [hence, likely, the 5kg will increase to maybe 8kg by the time I leave...]

I slept at 2.30 this morning cos was busy doing my paper, so I couldn't wake up earlier than 9.30. Okaasan had to wake up at 6.30am and prepare the food herself =X Sighs, should have woken up a little bit earlier to help her with the cooking or something. Poor woman, struggling with the cooking and the washing... Fortunately, she'd not finished everything yet. So, at Child Space, the lot of us (the children and some adults) helped her with the cutting of the fruit, the cheese, the crackers, the whipped cream, the washing of plates etc. It was kinda fun. I guess, in some ways, if you all have a common goal you're working to (a successful party), and you guys like the jobs you were assigned to, it can be really really fun. =)

The party was, I think, rather successful. I'm sure everyone enjoyed themselves :) I plan to go to a photoshop and print those pictures for Okaasan as my going-away present (sort of like what Daryn is doing on Tuesday, except mine has few of my pictures in it, haha). The music was great, too, I thought.

Okaasan told me after the entire party was over, "You're the first international student to help out in the party. The students before you just came for the party, and then left, without helping us out. Thank you so much."

I think, she has a mistaken idea about me. She thinks I'm super helpful... If my friends were coming (but they did not, cos I mixed up the dates), I'd have been out fetching them from Kayashima station, and bringing them back to the station after the party. And better still, if it'd been 23rd dec, I'd have been late for the party cos I'd be at KIX with Daryn. It's only because today none of my friends are coming that I have time (no, I don't have free time, but... It's a party, she's gotta need help!) to do those packing and moving of things. I think, she's painted too angelic a picture of me and I feel a bit stressed trying to live up to those expectations. Recently, because I've been busy doing my project report and studying for my exams, I haven't been helping out with the dishes. I wonder what she thinks of that... hah~

I'm left with only 10 or so days with this family. Counting down, counting down...

Oh great, I don't even know what time, or where my exams are next week. BLOODY HELL.

P.S. I was mistaken about the song that was played today: The Promise of the World in Howl's Moving Castle was not the one that I posted before. it's this one:

The song is really really beautiful... I really really really love it...

I am translating them from a dictionary and guessing what they mean from the little grammar that I've learnt.

涙の奥にゆらぐほほえみは (Inside tears is a trembling smile)
時の始めからの世界の約束 (from the beginning of time, the World's Promise)

いまは一人でも二人の昨日から (now, I am alone, but yesterday we were together)
今日は生まれきらめく (Today, a sparkle is born)
初めて会った日のように (As beautiful as when we first met)

思い出のうちにあなたはいない (You are not inside my memory)
そよかぜとなって頬に触れてくる (You have become a slight breeze, coming to touch my face)

木漏れ日の午後の別れのあとも (The afternoon, when sunlight flitered through the trees, we were reluctant to part)
決して終わらない世界の約束 (The World's Promise will never end)

いまは一人でも明日は限りない(Now I am alone, but tomorrow is endless)
あなたが教えてくれた (you have let me experience again)
夜にひそむやさしさ (the night's concealed gentleness)

思い出のうちにあなたはいない (even if you are not in my memory)
せせらぎの歌に この空の色に (in the small stream's song, in the sky's colour)
花の香りに いつまでも生きて (in the flower's scent, you will always be there)

My translation is horrible, isn't it? I translated word for word. haha. But I read the chinese translation. It's so much prettier.

I love the last lines: Even if you are not in my memory, I feel your presence in the stream's song, in the colour of the sky and in the flower's scent.


I don't think I ever told Daryn that I would miss her when I go back to Singapore. And even if I did, I don't think I ever told her the extent of my missing her. She does often talk about what it'd be like without me in her US life. I sometimes also tell her about how life would be back in Singapore without her in my life. But, I don't think she has any idea how much I'm attached to her. Wait, read that carefully. It's ATTACHED, not ATTRACTED.

Perhaps I should tell her that I'd miss her very much. After all, we should express our feelings to people when they're still around you, right? But, when she leaves, I suspect, I'd just goof around and crack silly jokes. She hates people who cry. If I start telling her how much a part of my life she's become, blah blah blah, I'd start crying. I refuse to cry in front of her. It'd only make her worry. Touched, maybe, but still worried. And just a bit annoyed. haha.

I've never felt so much attachment to a person I've only met for less than 4 months. She's like an elder sister to me. She takes care of me, tolerates my nonsense, hits me when I behave too stupidly (which is often), rolls her eyes when I say something really strange (like, "What do you think if I bought knives from hyaku-en store and put them in my carry on luggage?), goes with me on these super long 1 hour walks because we don't wanna take the bus and pay 220yen, gives me advice that she knows will make me unhappy, yet she tells me anyways because it's for my own good, seldom gets mad at me and when she does, it's only for a short while, shares with me her food (very funny! She'd buy buns that she knows I like so that if she doesn't like them, she can throw them all to me. haha. The same went for the chocolate cake she bought yesterday), buys me small gifts even though she's super stingy (very like me, haha. She says if I were a guy, I'd fail at relationships because I'm just too stingy to spend money on my girlfriend. But, I disagree!!! I spend money on people I care a lot a lot for! Just not as much as she does. haha.). She cares a lot about me, like today, I was hungry, so I zoned out while walking to Hirakata-shi, and she kept asking me, "Are you okay?"

I love, especially, the times when I'd say something stupid, ungrammatical or nonsensical, and she'd stop, stare very hard at me, and then double over in laughter. Yesterday, I don't know what we were talking about but she laughed so hard she needed her inhaler (got me a bit worried at that time though). It makes me really really happy to see her laugh though, cos, according to her, she doesn't laugh as much in US as she does when she's with me. Makes me feel special, I guess... (Hey, everyone needs to feel special, right?) I always ask her, "You know why you behave differently here compared to the US?" She definitely knows the answer to it now, "Because you're here with me?" and then she'd roll her eyes and call me "Narcissist!" HAHAHAHAHA. I'm one of a kind! =P

I hope, I never forget this feeling of togetherness. Of knowing that there's someone to depend on. Of knowing that in any situation, you'd be the first person she goes to when she's upset. Or when you're upset, she's the first person you'd email. because you know, for sure, she's there for you, no matter what.

Haha, how sappy, this entry is... I know, I've written a whole lot about her, BUT I felt compelled to write a blog entry about the very special, very important person in my life.

[/edit] There's something very important that I forgot to say: Daryn understands me so well. There are times when she'd shoot me down, but there are also times when she's on my side. One day, I was wondering aloud to her, "It's so strange, isn't it, that people always tell me, 'oh, you! you get perfect or close to perfect scores all the time. YOU don't have to worry...'." I feel really frustrated every time I hear that. Daryn understands my feelings perfectly. And although she scoffs at my drive to achieve perfect scores, she never ever said that to me. Well, if anyone actually managed to read this far without throwing up (cos this is soooooooo sappy), please try to refrain from saying things like that. It really makes me feel upset. In no way is it actually a compliment to me...

Kimchi Party - 13 Dec

Daryn took me to cut my hair today. I must say, Ito Maki-san (the hair stylist) is good! Haha, I really really like the way my hair turned out. I think I look better without my specs with this hairstyle though... She cut 3cm off my hair, and because my hair curls naturally, she didn't need to style it. It just falls in place. Haha, I love my hair! =)

The girl in the middle was my hairstylist today :) Ito Maki-san.

Hmm, I don't think anyone can tell the difference since it's been some time since I last put up a picture of myself... Haha, I think u can do a simple comparison:

[This picture was taken at Osaka-jo]. See how the hair would flail everywhere? It was super super messy...

But now...

Me is 姫ちゃん|皇女様 WAHAHAHAHAHA.

Now I look less like a lion and more like a Princess. Haha. Daryn said, "You shouldn't be called Ichigo-chan. You should be called Hime-chan" (princess). So, I have a new nickname, bestowed by Daryn: Hime-chan! haha. Though, most of my Japanese friends know me by Ichigo, it'd confuse people, so nevermind lah. haha. I love my hair! Couldn't stop grinning when I left the salon. Plus, it was wayyyy cheaper than I thought it would be. It cost me 1650 yen, around 24 dollars =) Haha, cheaper than Adrian would ever be!

Anyways, it was our Kimchi Party day. We were at Ringo's house, which is a one room apartment. It's really small, but so pretty! It's entirely white and pink (see pictures). I want her room! It's my kinda room! haha. Only thing I'd change is the curtains. I'd like those lacy, see through curtains, that allow sunlight into the room. =) I love her room. Entirely. Up to the little knickknacks stuck all over the walls and from the light. I wish I could repaint my room. i'd paint the walls entirely white this time, and the ceiling baby-pink... I'd use pink sheets (not that I'm NOT using them, my sheets ARE pink) and I'd put little knickknacks everywhere (not that they're not, they're just too messy). And I'd paste little glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling (even though I can't reach) so at night when I switch off the lights, it'd be a pretty room. Plus a pink carpety thing on my floor. Or white. Doesn't matter... Haha, but no time to do all that plus it's sooo troublesome. I've got 10 tonnes of things in my room lah. To try to clear my room is just a nightmare...

Anyways, Ringo and Ryn Ryn cooked kinchi tofu nabe for us, and then had an entire bowl of kimchi beside Daryn since Daryn loves kimchi. First, it was filled with tofu, then they took it back and added gyoza, then they took it back and added udon. It was really really delicious, I swear! haha, they really can cook (yes yes, unlike me... *sighs*). Then, they had packets of snacks for us too. Ah, the people in the interpreter's guide club are really really really nice! Haha, fiona! Go sign up for those interpreter's guide club activities. They are fun and those interpreters put in a lot of effort in organizing them. =) I only went for one, but it was really really fun! hehe.

After watching 5-6 episodes of the Family Guy and playing a game, J left. So, we girls had some photo fun :)

Ringo's room is filled with all these HUGE and SMALL cuddly toys! haha. From left to right: Hiroko, Me (I look weird, I know), Ryn Ryn and Ringo.

We took turns wearing that obnoxious hello kitty hat thingie. Hiroko was like, "no!!! It doesn't fit me!!!"

Haha. =)

It's very pink and very pretty, her room. Also super neat. Well, compared to mine at least. From left: Ryn Ryn, Ringo, Hiroko, Daryn and she's holding Tan-chan.

I really really had fun today. Haha, even though I thought I wouldn't. Hehe~ I think, part of it has to do with Daryn. With her around, it's easier for me to understand the Japanese that is thrown at me, so I enjoy talking to the Japanese people more. It's very very difficult when you totally cannot understand anything. I sometimes get a huge headache after just 5 minutes of conversation. Trying to remember the vocabulary, and putting in in good grammatical structures takes me years...

Anyways, so, actually, TOMORROW IS MY PIANO RECITAL DAY. Not 23rd like I presumed. My Goodness!!!! So, tomorrow morning will be spent practising. Okaasan told me to only play the first part of my song so that I wouldn't put the children to sleep when I play. *shrugs* oh wells. This arrangement suits me just fine. a) I don't have to think about playing the other difficult part. b) I don't need to rush back from sending Daryn to KIX on 23rd dec. Unfortunately, my RWJ exam is on Monday, so it also means that I don't have time to study. *sighs* Ah well.

I was reading this shoujo manga, and it ended with: 好きじゃない。 And I think, what's the point, then? Then the guy says, "愛してる。" Haha, I'm a sucker for these kinda things... HAHAHAHAHAHA.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Little things...

The weighing machine has spoken.

I have officially gained, ehem, 5kg since coming to Japan. Isn't that interesting? That I lost weight in US but gained weight in Japan. Other people lose weight in Japan but gain weight in US. I never figure this out. Sighs, indicates: a) too much full cream milk (like 2 glasses a day, and then some...) b) 5 meals a day is a little too much, even if they are little meals c) late night eating while stressing out is getting to me d) maybe I should eat dinner earlier, instead of at 9.30pm e) the swing is going to break the next time I sit on it.

Okaasan said to worry about my weight when I go back to Singapore. Actually, sometimes I think, when I go back to Singapore, I'd miss Japanese food so much I won't be able to get used to Singapore food anymore. Then I won't eat as much as I do now. Haha, but that's an assumption that I can't make cos with food, I never know. I thought I wouldn't like Japanese food, but ended up eating wayyyyyyyyyyyy more than I expected. And I like the sushi and sashimi here too. haha, so there, Teddy Bear! I like raw fish JUST FINE (only in Japan though).


RWJ reading test went fine. I stumbled over several simple words, but caught myself in time. She said my reading was good, so I'm not worrying all that much for RWJ.


According to our Entrepreneurship Business Plan, we're making a loss of 160,000 yen per year. For 5 years. Now, tell me how to sell this idea to investors when we're constantly making a loss, and there's no way to make a profit?

I spent hours on the projections. Daryn and I entered the computer lab at 10.30 and only left it at 5pm. I had it ready by 2.30 when I realised that it was complete bullshit, the projections. So, had to re-do it, and got it FINALLY done at 5 to give to PP.

This project is DRIVING ME CRAZY. I was so stressed in the computer lab, and it was so hot (and I was wearing a sweater that I couldn't take off) that I snapped a little at PP when she asked me a question on the project. Gomen ne~ Didn't mean to! =X

Good thing that Daryn got one of her reports done, and is halfway through another of her report. At least today wasn't wasted. Even though Kobe would have been nice, I think, this is of more importance.


Book Off is just fantastic. I can spend 10 hours in it, and not get tired of the manga in it. Daryn got a few more yaoi manga and Gothic Loli magazines while I spent the time reading shoujo manga. No, I can't understand the words most of the time, but when I can, I feel a sense of great achievement. And there's always pictures to help. I contemplated getting some Japanese books just for fun, but then I realised if I couldn't understand a single word in it, and if there are no pictures to help me, I wouldn't read them at all. It'd be so dry, and so painful to go through the dictionary every single sentence. So, that's why I'd prefer to get manga. At least, I'd be able to guess what's going on. Best of all, they have kana beside the kanji, so I know how to pronounce it, and can find the meaning on electronic dictionaries. Bad thing is, it's all casual speech, so I'd end up speaking like, "zou nan da" instead of "zou desuka", but then I say "zou nan da" anyways cos I've incorporated Daryn's speech patterns into my own. She also has incorporated my way of speaking too. Haha.

I plan to go to Book Off after exams next Tuesday. I suspect we'd have a full day of rehearsals on Wednesday, so I'd head to Book off to chill before the horrible presentation rehearsals. Given the SMU training, should be no problem. But, I remember a long, long time ago, I complained to D., "I hate presentations. I'm so freaking scared every single time" and he replied, "You've been doing presentations throughout your SMU schoollife; you're used to it. So, why are you so worried?" Sometimes, some things aren't always, "Practice makes perfect" you know.... Haha, even for Issues presentation 2 weeks ago, I was so nervous that I tripped on some of my words. =X

I wonder, how many manga can I bring back before I get charged with overweight luggage taxes? Hmm... I don't wanna ship them back because I worry they might get wet, or get lost. I don't want!!! They're my bao-bei!!! Haha. From USA, I brought back 13 or so books, some of which were very old psychology books. My luggage was really really heavy, I remember.. But then, I had 64kg to play with. I managed to get it to around 50kg or so. I only have 25kg to play with now. =X


I want to stay in japan just a bit longer, if only to read all the manga in Book off before I leave... =X

Daryn tells me, "You should read scanlations" but then, I hate scanlations online. They hurt my eye, take 10 years to load, and are blurry =( And manga here is only like SGD1.50. For me to get manga in Japanese in Singapore, it'd cos me AT LEAST SGD9.00 (before stealing the Kino card from FY of course).


Let me seriouslyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy consider my options.

I'll be sending Daryn off to the airport. That'd cost me 4000 yen. NOTE, THAT'S ONE WAY. *sighs* So expensive. =( blow off SGD100 on TRAVELLING only on the 23rd Dec. *sighs* But I can't not send her off... I'll miss her so much...

Thank Goodness I asked for extra money to be changed and brought over for me last month. I don't suppose I'd spend it, but still, just in case...

Okay, back to presentation slides...

Hmm, speaking of presentation slides... I think I'd need Teddy's help on this one too. Haha, I remember the LAST presentation I had. I sent him the ppt slides and then he totally pengz lah. Haha. He said something along the lines of, what kinda SMU student are you who cannot do a presentation slide???? BLACK AND WHITE?


Haha. Onegai, Teddy-san!!! [that is if I ever see you online lah]

P.S. Okaasan thinks I have no life (and maybe no friends other than Daryn). She said to me just now, when I returned home, usually our host kids go out on Fridays and stay out till the next morning. It wasn't meant to be mean or anything. It was just an observation. I told her, "I've got a lot of tests and projects, so I can't go out. I don't like smoke and I don't really drink so I don't go to clubs at all." And she's like, "But in Hirakata-shi, they go karaoke, bowling etcetc".. Haha, to which I have no answer except to smile and say, "I'm a good student :P"

I must be the boring-est host student she's ever had. I'm so boring and unhappening lah. My life is just, "oh, im going to kyoto" or "osaka" and "I'll be back for dinner" and "I'll be late cos I've got project meeting, but I'll be back for dinner" or "I have a lot of tests this week so I'll be in my room studying"... Why can't I be the kind who likes partying, huh? Or be the kind who'd buy a lot of alcohol and sit at the playground for 3 hours drinking in the cold? [instead, I buy icecream and eat it in the rain]. Or be the kind who'd go to a gay bar watching drag queens and sipping drinks throughout the night?

On Thurs when Sakihabara-sensei was going through some grammar exercises, she asked, "Who's done it?" and only I raised my hand [hey! I slept at 1.30am just to finish those exercises!]. So, she said, "Lee-san wa ii gakusei desu ne." [Ms Lee is a good student, isn't she?] and the entire class sniggered. I'm over the age where that'd affect me. I think a long time ago, that'd have made me pretty upset. But now, I just think it's very funny. haha... It's definitely a case of being goody-two-shoes-ish. HAHAHAHAHAHAAH. I wear my "good student" badge proudly. =P

P.P.S. I'm cutting my hair tomorrow! yay! haha. same hairstyle lah, just thinner. Thick hair is useful for winter to keep my neck warm, but it's really difficult to dry, plus it makes me look like a lion... =X So, cutting it tomorrow...



Thursday, December 11, 2008

Oral Exams

Oral exams did not go well.

I'd like to blame it on lack of sleep, but it's not true.

I'd like to blame it on lack of practise, also not true.

I've got nothing to blame it on. I just did badly, I think. I think, I can only say, my Japanese standard really sucks... The questions were so difficult, the vocabulary and the grammar were beyond my abilities.

How does one say, "People who want to quit smoking can chew gum"?

How does one say, "the Prince"?

How does one say, "Spitting is prohibited in Singapore"?

There were so many things that I didn't know how to say in Japanese... I knew, from the moment she asked, "What is famous in Singapore?" and "Merlion, right?" that I'd die for Oral already. Why can't she ask me normal questions like, "What's your major"? It's 10% of my total grade. If I fail this, given the rest of my grades, I'd probably still get a B, but it's not what I want. I want an A in Japanese, because I put in so much, so much effort into it. I speak it everyday, or try to, with Daryn and other people. I try, really really hard... I also know I used some vocabulary she never did teach in class. Maybe that'd be my redeeming grace?


I'm churning out fake numbers/statistics for my would-be meal delivery project. *worried, worried, worried*

Tomorrow is RWJ reading test at 8:45am. Im not ready for it, I swear. =(

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Stress Signals

I have an oral fixation, according to Daryn.

When I'm stressed, I tend to want to bite on something.

I also tend to eat a lot without feeling full. Like today, for dinner, it was a big meat bun, one plate of yaki soba, one bowl of rice and one fish (yes one fish, not one slice of fish). I finished all of it. In addition to the afternoon snacks and lunch and breakfast... In addition to my 10 gummy bears and 2 butterscotch sweets I devoured right after dinner. It's quite a feat the amount I put into my stomach.

I remembered the last time I was so stressed my fingernails were bitten to the quick. I've always been admonished for biting my nails. it's not only unhygenic (I know!), it also hurts my nails and my teeth. But I do it when I'm thinking very hard about something or when I'm very very very stressed and am not thinking at all about my surroundings.

Currently, my nails are fine. Because, I keep buying sweets. In a day, I can finish one packet of sweets. I don't mean 10 sweets. I mean like 30 sweets at one shot, in one sitting, at night. I've usually a very good control on my night eating. But recently, due to the stress, I've been taking in far too many sweets... In school, it's the same. When I'm in the comp lab doing my project, I can finish at one shot, the entire packet of chocolate biscuits without even realising it.

I'm that stressed.

BUT! It's exchange... Why am I so stressed?! *sighs* impossible to understand.

Anyways, Mr. Creepy wanted to come and talk to me today while I was doing project in the CIE lounge. I ignored him and continued talking to my grp mates all the way till he gave up and went away... *shrugs* It pays to be extra careful sometimes, even if it means I'm gonna have to be impolite.

Hmm, I've taken to kneeling on whatever chair I'm sitting on. It's just... more natural? Tucking my feet under myself makes my feet warm, if that made sense. =)

I intended to skip class today. However, because of the Entrepreneurship project *sighs*, I didn't. And also because today is the last day of our SPJ and we were going to take pictures.

I arranged for my RWJ reading test to be in the morning at 8.45 so that Daryn and I could go to Kobe. However... A change of plans, I'm afraid :( We've decided to stay in school to work on our individual projects, seeing that weekend will be burnt again. My suggestion lah. Haha.

It's not like I've never been to Kobe. It was the lights that I wanted to go and see... The one to commemorate the Great Hanshin Earthquake of 1995. But then, it's not like I can't come back to Japan anymore.. I can always come back some years later to look at the lights :) No big deal. hehe. Spending time doing work is also important lah. Plus, it'd allow me to catch up on my sleep IF I finish my work.

Hmm, some people think my English wouldn't be... erm, up to standard. In terms of report writing. Just because I come from an Asian country doesn't mean that my English isn't up to mark! If my English isn't up to mark, how could you be able to understand what I'm saying, desho? And how would my professors (unless they have bad language skills themselves...) understand me? haha, reminds me of that time in US. Everyday, I'd hear, "You speak good English!" [yep, thanks. It's my 2nd language. After baby language.]

Today (it IS today! in 11 hours time!) I have my SPJ oral exam. *shudders* I'm not really all that great with Oral exams. =X demo, gambarimasu!

HAI~ Ganbarimasu!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I was feeling down when I received a message from JJ. It sort of brightened up my night. Thank you! =)

今晚,下了一场大雨。在雨中漫步,有种浪漫但悲伤的感觉。不知道为什么,就是想哭。可能是因为太多压力,可能是因为昨晚不够睡,可能是因为就快要离开日本了,也可能是因为莫人。好想跟老天爷说:“再给我多一点时间。。。求求你。。。我不想回家。还想在日本待几个月。不为什么。只因为喜欢日本。只因为不想回去一个充满压力的地方。只因为,在这里,我最开心。虽然冷,但是,每天,我都好开心!” 如果这样就能实现愿望,那该多好,不是吗?


I never thought my class was a special class until one day, Paulina sat in our class and told Michele that my class was so fun. I thought all SPJ classes were like ours. She said that our class seemed like it was close, we all made fun of each other, all talked to each other. It's very interactive, and we're responsive to the teacher. It's different, she said, from the class that she is in... Haha, I'm thankful that I'm in my class, and I got to know all my classmates. :) I'll miss them and their antics. Especially random comments like, "You're going on a date with Mary, aren't you?" that Andrew would throw at Finley-san. Or "Takeshi-san likes Mary, but Mary has no interest in Takeshi-san". Haha, and the best group acting award went to this love triangle between Takeshi-san, Mary-san and Roberto-san, acted by Andrew, Orrin and Matt. Haha. We love our Genki I characters. =)

And when I go back.. I'd say, “懐かしい!” Sighs.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Shall we dance? - The King and I

I never knew the lyrics to the song, except the beginning, "Shall we dance, on a bright cloud of music shall we fly?" haha, I love this song!

Sadly, in this version, the King dies. In the Jodie Foster Version (Anna and the King), the princess dies...


King: does he [Lincoln] have enough guns and elephants for transporting things?
Anna: I don't think they have elephants in America, Your Majesty.
King: No elephants?
Anna: No.
King: No wonder he's not winning war.


This is not complete, but what I found from youtube...

Osaka-jo Museum and Osaka Peace Centre

[/edit]: I'm freaking sick of exams, ENDLESS FREAKING tests, ENDLESS QUIZZES, and papers that I've not written...


Osaka-jo Museum was a total disappointment. Both Daryn and I expected it to be an actual castle, like Nijojo. But... It turned out to be a museum thingie. How utterly upsetting.

I didn't expect much of the Osaka Peace Centre, but I actually enjoyed it more than Osaka-jo. It documents the horrors of war. There was this story of this lady who was carrying a baby on her back. The baby was headless, and blood was gushing from its gaping neck. Yet, she hadn't realised because she was carrying the baby on her back. The witness told his sister, "Don't let her know..." It was so sad when I read the accounts of the survivors that I felt like crying *sighs*.

Then, they had this part of the centre dedicated to the war in South-east Asia. I read the captions, saw the pictures and thought to myself, "So, they do know what happened in the SEA region during the war." Unfortunately, they don't publicize it. When Daryn and I were there, we only saw like 5 people at most... 5 people in the entire building is quite a feat. On a Sunday! Goes to show how much interest people have in the peace centre.

It was really depressing though, watching the videos of invasion, seeing mutiliated bodies and reading accounts of the witnesses. In the words of my guidebook, a "sobering experience".

After that, Daryn and I went off for lunch/dinner at 4pm. She ate ramen and I ate dan-dan noodles. Haha, just noodles, nothing in it. BUT BUT BUT THERE WAS CHILI PADI. Hahahahaha. That made me happy. Daryn's had kimchi, which made HER happy. Haha, so both of us were happy with our lunch. :)

I've got a ton of work to do, but I'm happy to say, Federowicz's paper is done.

One down, 2 to go.

Lesson test tomorrow :(

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Red Leaves and Red Trees

My Godmother, I've been told, requested for more red trees / leaves pictures in my blog. I shall put up 13 of my 紅葉 pictures that I don't think I've ever put up before. Hope you like them, Godmother.








Tenryuji, Arashiyama.

Arashiyama, possibly Tenryuji compounds.


Outside Yase Hieizanguchi Station

Outside Yase Hieizanguchi station

Outside Yawata-shi Keihan Station

Interesting pictures taken...

East / West Exit? This was taken at Kayashima. I only managed to catch this because I was pointing it to Daryn to tell her where the EAST exit was.

Not the big toilet seats. The tiny toilet seats. Don't they look cute? Haha. It shows the miniaturization in Japan. The cute culture :)

Kimono's Hospital. Haha. So cute right? I came across another one that said, "Western dress hospital". They mean, tailor, I guess.

It says (I think), "Please do not bring your home rubbish and throw them here." It amused me so much, because that's exactly what I do.

Honour system in Japan... Still at work in sleepy Yawata-shi, where Daryn lives. You take the vegetables, and then put money into the box below.

A tanuki. I wonder why they have tanukis outside houses... But it was interesting all the same. Tanukis are pranksters, Daryn told me.

Drying persimmons. And sometimes I wonder, we can't do that in Singapore right? The weather's too humid to make dry persimmons...

Sweet potato cream... It was quite nice, if not overly sweet.

A heart shaped plant! <3 so sweet looking...

I was desperate. Daryn was over to study with me, but Wataru, once he saw Daryn, came running up. I don't know why, but he's fascinated with her. She needed to do her project... And there's no lock in the house. So I ended up tying a cord (sorry Kang yao, your lan cable was used for this purpose...) to prevent him from coming in.

it worked, sort of. Till I went downstairs to get dinner, then he ran up and burst into the room. After which, I told Okaasan who came and got him out of the room.

I always tell Daryn, "Desperate situations call for desperate measures..." Here's the desperate measure...

Tennoji Zoo

The weather forecast says that it's 2 degrees outside now. Whether forecast says that it'd be -2 tomorrow...

Although my room is set at 20 degrees, it's still very very cold to me. I don't know why. I'm wearing my wool shirt and the jacket I usually wear when I'm outside. I think the kitchen is the only place which is actually warm in this house, even though its temperature is set to only 17.

Today, Daryn and I went to Tennoji Zoo. I actually mixed up the itinerary for today and tomorrow. So, I thought we were going to Osaka-jo & Peaace Museum instead of Tennoji Zoo. The initial plan was Tennoji Park and then Tennoji Zoo. But, we skipped the park cos it's ending autumn and the leaves are starting to fall out. Even though it was freezing cold today, we still had a great time together.

When I mean freezing cold, I mean, 5 degrees with cold, strong wind blowing directly at you, that kinda cold. Not the normal, 16 degrees kinda cold which I usually complain about. It can only get worse, the weather.

We first visited the Savannah, and tried climbing onto the hippopotamus statue they had. And then, the rhino statue. It was so funny cos in the beginning, we could see no animals in the area. So, we're like, "We came to a zoo that has no animals except metal ones!" [the statues were metal] But later, we found giraffes, hyenas, leopards, tigers, lions, red pandas etc that got daryn all excited.

I made lunch in the morning [have a photo of them! My bentos were kinda cute. haha]. So, we found a spot at the zoo to sit down and eat. But because both of our hands were numb from the wind, we couldn't hold the chopsticks properly. Food kept slipping off. Hahahahaha. It didn't help that the wind kept blowing at us while we were trying to eat. Nor did it help that there were no enclosed areas [except for the restaurant] where we could eat in peace, without the wind bothering us.

Then, we went and looked at chimpanzees and other monkeys, elephants, camels etc. We kept encountering animals peeing and pooing while we took their pictures. it was so funny. haha. I had just pressed the shutter when Daryn said, "Look, the camel is pooing". And then, we caught the elephant, monkeys and Goodness knows what else peeing. Maybe cos it's cold...

We didn't exactly finished the entire zoo actually. By that time (3pm), we were both freezing like hell. Even with the gloves that Oscar got me in Tokyo, I couldn't feel my finger tips. And Daryn was quite stupid. She came out with a light jacket and a long sleeve shirt. -____-||| Without gloves. In her defense, she proclaimed, "But it was sunny when I left the house!" It was sunny, but it was also freezing cold... And she couldn't find her gloves...

Then, we headed for America Mura (America Village) where Daryn got some omiyage (AGAIN??!!!) for her friends and I just wandered around, feeling cold. Ended up at Mos Burger for our dinner cos Daryn likes Mos Burger. We seldom eat out, so when we do, it's quite amazing. I told Daryn that I'd accompany her for lunch/dinner, because she'd never come back to Japan again. Whenever she goes out with me, she feels compelled to do what I do; not eat, or eat bread. So, given that we're only left with 3 weeks, I decided that she should go ahead and eat lah. And what better way to make sure she eats what she likes than to eat with her? Haha. [Excuses only, actually, it's cos I wanna eat :P]

So, yes, if anyone is wondering if I'm eating well, I am finally eating well... Too much actually... I had two dinners today because I forgot to let Okaasan know I'd not be back for dinner. So she cooked my share and I ate it.

How strange it'd be, she said, to go back to America and think, "What am I... Oh, I'm not doing anything with Huey this weekend."

How strange it'd be, I thought (but did not say), to go back to Singapore and think, "I wonder how Daryn is doing..." and "Should I send her a present? It's her birthday after all..." and worse of all, "I miss her." She's not my only friend here, but she's my best friend here. I seldom call people my best friends, cos it accords them a certain status in my life... She's attained a certain permanency in a temporary situation in my life.

Maybe, I should take up her offer and drop by America next year. Instead of Europe or Japan. Haha, free lodging, she promised me. :P What an idea...