The girl in the middle was my hairstylist today :) Ito Maki-san.
Hmm, I don't think anyone can tell the difference since it's been some time since I last put up a picture of myself... Haha, I think u can do a simple comparison:
[This picture was taken at Osaka-jo]. See how the hair would flail everywhere? It was super super messy...

But now...
Me is 姫ちゃん|皇女様 WAHAHAHAHAHA.
Now I look less like a lion and more like a Princess. Haha. Daryn said, "You shouldn't be called Ichigo-chan. You should be called Hime-chan" (princess). So, I have a new nickname, bestowed by Daryn: Hime-chan! haha. Though, most of my Japanese friends know me by Ichigo, it'd confuse people, so nevermind lah. haha. I love my hair! Couldn't stop grinning when I left the salon. Plus, it was wayyyy cheaper than I thought it would be. It cost me 1650 yen, around 24 dollars =) Haha, cheaper than Adrian would ever be!
Anyways, it was our Kimchi Party day. We were at Ringo's house, which is a one room apartment. It's really small, but so pretty! It's entirely white and pink (see pictures). I want her room! It's my kinda room! haha. Only thing I'd change is the curtains. I'd like those lacy, see through curtains, that allow sunlight into the room. =) I love her room. Entirely. Up to the little knickknacks stuck all over the walls and from the light. I wish I could repaint my room. i'd paint the walls entirely white this time, and the ceiling baby-pink... I'd use pink sheets (not that I'm NOT using them, my sheets ARE pink) and I'd put little knickknacks everywhere (not that they're not, they're just too messy). And I'd paste little glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling (even though I can't reach) so at night when I switch off the lights, it'd be a pretty room. Plus a pink carpety thing on my floor. Or white. Doesn't matter... Haha, but no time to do all that plus it's sooo troublesome. I've got 10 tonnes of things in my room lah. To try to clear my room is just a nightmare...
Anyways, Ringo and Ryn Ryn cooked kinchi tofu nabe for us, and then had an entire bowl of kimchi beside Daryn since Daryn loves kimchi. First, it was filled with tofu, then they took it back and added gyoza, then they took it back and added udon. It was really really delicious, I swear! haha, they really can cook (yes yes, unlike me... *sighs*). Then, they had packets of snacks for us too. Ah, the people in the interpreter's guide club are really really really nice! Haha, fiona! Go sign up for those interpreter's guide club activities. They are fun and those interpreters put in a lot of effort in organizing them. =) I only went for one, but it was really really fun! hehe.
After watching 5-6 episodes of the Family Guy and playing a game, J left. So, we girls had some photo fun :)
Ringo's room is filled with all these HUGE and SMALL cuddly toys! haha. From left to right: Hiroko, Me (I look weird, I know), Ryn Ryn and Ringo.
We took turns wearing that obnoxious hello kitty hat thingie. Hiroko was like, "no!!! It doesn't fit me!!!"
Haha. =)
It's very pink and very pretty, her room. Also super neat. Well, compared to mine at least. From left: Ryn Ryn, Ringo, Hiroko, Daryn and she's holding Tan-chan.
I really really had fun today. Haha, even though I thought I wouldn't. Hehe~ I think, part of it has to do with Daryn. With her around, it's easier for me to understand the Japanese that is thrown at me, so I enjoy talking to the Japanese people more. It's very very difficult when you totally cannot understand anything. I sometimes get a huge headache after just 5 minutes of conversation. Trying to remember the vocabulary, and putting in in good grammatical structures takes me years...
Anyways, so, actually, TOMORROW IS MY PIANO RECITAL DAY. Not 23rd like I presumed. My Goodness!!!! So, tomorrow morning will be spent practising. Okaasan told me to only play the first part of my song so that I wouldn't put the children to sleep when I play. *shrugs* oh wells. This arrangement suits me just fine. a) I don't have to think about playing the other difficult part. b) I don't need to rush back from sending Daryn to KIX on 23rd dec. Unfortunately, my RWJ exam is on Monday, so it also means that I don't have time to study. *sighs* Ah well.
I was reading this shoujo manga, and it ended with: 好きじゃない。 And I think, what's the point, then? Then the guy says, "愛してる。" Haha, I'm a sucker for these kinda things... HAHAHAHAHAHA.
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