I transfer my bad habits everywhere. Before this, the floor was full of books and paper (very much like the room in Singapore). And at least 4 used cups were on the table (cos I keep forgetting to put the cups back in the sink). Fortunately, I don't have stuff toys in Japan, or else the bed will be lined up with at least 10-15 stuffed toys.
Actually, the curtain rod is meant to put, erm, curtains. But, it's become a hang-dry area for my clothes cos it's just in front of the heater and so, my clothes dry faster that way. [Some clothes just cannot be put in the dryer :(]
Look at the amount of things I've gotta bring back! One huge luggage, one backpack, one handcarry (that at the moment already weighs 7kg) and one entire bag of presents (no, those are not all the presents. the rest are in the luggage). PLUS, one box to ship home (my textbooks and such). And that's only maybe 75%? I still have another 25% to pack. Haha, I was looking through facebook and realised other people have the same problem too! So, next time people going for exchange, please don't bring a lot of things. Cos, even if u tell urself not to buy stuff, u will, eventually... Maybe this problem is only for girls... I never heard Edmund complaining. haha.
Haha, it took me maybe 2 hours to be done packing. Compared to my room in Singapore, which would take 2 days to pack...
I feel a bit sad packing... Cos it's nearing the end of it all... I still have a presentation tomorrow, and that'd be the end of the school semester. I'm left with 1 week to leaving homestay. and about 2-3 weeks to leaving Japan officially.
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