He's not leaving until Saturday evening, I think. But I said sayonara to him just in case we don't run into each other tomorrow, or friday.
I feel so sad. Felt a little bit like crying after I hugged him good bye. I can comfort myself that I'm gonna see him (i'll make sure, dammit) next year in France. But still... It's such a sad thing, to say goodbye... Sighs, I'll kinda miss his jokes about filipinos (he's half filipino) and his obsession with frisbee ("Come play frisbee with me lah" "No." "Why not lah?" "Because I don't like frisbee, you freak."). His teaching me Japanese ("I shouldn't be teaching you this! It's Level 4 stuff!") and testing me kanji ("How do you think this is pronounced?" "hm, maybe yo in?" "ARG!! Why do you know this?!!" "I don't know... Cos I know Chinese?" "ARG, It's so unfair!!"), random meetings in the CIE lounge ("You totally walked by me!" "I didn't see you!" "You're blind lah. You slept with your hair wet."), and the times when both of us fell sick, TWICE. ("I'm sick." "Again? Me too.")
Sayonara, Alex. I'll really really really miss you! ='(
Daryn was telling me about Pon and Zi on Deviantart. :) Credits go to Jeff Thomas, aka azuzephres, for the wonderful Pon and Zi pictures :) I'm posting them here, cos they are just too cute.. :)

This is my fave, especially with the comment from Jeff Thomas: It doesn't matter how many fish there are in the sea if none of them want your bait. hahahaha. I remember a long time ago, Lucia told me, "Don't worry, there are plenty of sakana (fish) in the ocean." I wish I'd had this retort then.

I just find this so sweet. So like what a little kid would say...

This one made me feel like crying. Every single time I look at it.

Pon cried... This one made me feel sad too.

This is pretty sweet and touching =)
I don't know if Pon is a girl or a guy. But Zi (blue) is definitely more violent and says the weirdest things. Haha, go check it out if u're interested...
You looked at Pon and Zi! YAAAAY!
ReplyDeleteThe "I love you" "Lala. La. Laa." makes me sad, too. XD; I'm always like, "Awww! Falling on deaf ears! ToT"