So, was looking forward to a day of slacking, and being bored out of my mind reading my readings. But things turned out differently.
In the morning, Okaasan had to go visit her mother in the hospital and didnt want to bring Hikari because it was gonna rain (and it DID rain. It's freaking cold outside. And I've not even stepped outside once today. Just standing beside the window makes me feel SO COLD). So, I was left in charge of Hikari-chan for about 2.5 painful hours.
Why did I say painful? Because: a) she kept talking and asking me questions that I didn't understand and didn't have answers to. Except for one question, "Where is Okaasan?" b) I was trying to read my 60 page reading. If u ever had someone talking beside u incessantly while u were trying to read ur readings, u'd know what I mean. I tried to distract her with my highlighter. It didn't work. c) she kept wanting to eat snacks which are so bloody unhealthy loaded with MSG lah. Up to a point when I raised my voice at her, "DAME DAME!" but she didn't understand. -___-|||
I gave up reading my readings by 10.30. So I spent the morning doing the dishes and wiping the table etc. I also combed Hikari-chan's hair (because I was bored) and left her to tear up origami paper (quiet for about 15minutes, but better than nothing!) while I tried to continue with my readings. Good thing I did the dishes, because when Okaasan came back, those dishes/pots were needed.
I'd gotten そうめん(soumen) to cook for lunch. But, Okaasan saw it and dissauaded me from the cooking of soumen for lunch-__-||| She said it wouldn't taste good by the time I actually eat it in school. So, the soumen was left on the table for maybe a week or so. I told Okaasan she could use it (and the tsu yu - sauce for noodles) if she wanted because I wasn't gonna cook it anymore. So, we ate that for lunch.
Then, she started cooking takoyaki! Haha. Took out the octopus, takoyaki pan, takoyaki flour and we cooked takoyaki together :) haha. it was so fun lah! I think they scrutinized my application form. In it, I said, I wanted to learn to cook a lot of different Japanese food. Haha.
Anyways, my first few takoyakis were not all that great, but then, later on, I got better at cooking them :) hehe. FUN FUN FUN. I can't explain how fun it was. Haha, cos the flipping of takoyaki balls here and there was incredibly fascinating. The heat was in the centre so most of the takoyaki balls in the centre got cooked faster than the periphery takoyaki. :) hehe. so when I took the takoyaki from the centre out, I flipped those at the sides in. haha. it's so fun rolling takoyaki... hahahahahaahah. Though, of course, professional takoyaki cooks wouldn't do that. :P
Takoyaki in different stages of preparation. :P First, you pour the batter onto the pan, and put the ingredients. After which u wait a while before u turn the first (usually in the middle) takoyaki. And so on... The first 3 pictures are of Okaasan's work. The last picture though, is my work! :) These were octopus and cheese takoyaki balls :) hehe. おいしそう!(looks delicious) and believe me, it WAS おいしい (though I didn't make the batter! =P). At least Okaasan and Masayuki said they were good, and I don't think they were lying, cos the entire plate was finished. :P
Today is Yuko's birthday. So, Okaasan baked a cake for her.
I helped whisk the eggs and the caster sugar, as well as the cream. But watched her do the rest. Haha.
Okaasan adding the mixture of chocolate powder and flour into the whisked egg+caster sugar combination.
and mixing it all in.
I didn't get pictures of her cutting the cake horizontally into half cos I was washing the plates. Must have been a mean feat... haha.
She melted the two bars of milk chocolate and added it to the cream that I'd been whisking. Then, she spread a first layer of chocolate cream on the bottom half of the chocolate cake. And then, she added cut canned peaches and canned mikan (mandarin oranges) on top of the first chocolate cream layer. followed by a 2nd (VERY THICK) layer of chocolate cream. Then, she placed the top half of the cake on top and added a third layer of chocolate cream.
Like this:
Little almond chocolate balls were added to make it look pretty. For decor. =)
The complete product!
And the proud baker with her complete product!
Yesterday, I bought milk cocoa at the Sports Meet and hated it the moment I drank it. Cos it was chocolate milk. Yes, I was probably dreaming. The word "milk" didn't register in my brain. I gave it to Masayuki who couldn't believe that I didn't like the milk cocoa. I explained, "I like chocolate. But I hate chocolate with anything else. Chocolate milk, chocolate cake, chocolate icecream, chocolate biscuits" [though, less so chocolate biscuits and chocolate cake]. So, today, when he saw the chocolate cake, he stared at me for a while, and then told Okaasan, "いちごちゃんはチョコーロケーキが嫌いよ!” (means, Ichigo-chan hates chocolate cake.)
When Okaasan heard that, she was so surprised. "You hate chocolate cake?" I just smiled sheepishly. Haha. I don't really hate chocolate cake as much as I hate chocolate icecream and chocolate milk, but I can't say I love them. If it's white chocolate cake I'd love it. But I won't go look out for milk chocolate cake... Even so, I hastened to assure her, "Maybe your cake is nicer than most of the chocolate cakes I've eaten!"
So, here's the result of the comment:
A huge slice of cake for me. Hahahahahahaha.
We were all watching Galileo SP (Special). Even then, I felt like Masayuki and Okaasan were both watching me quite closely when I was eating. haha. It was so funny. It's like, they half expected me to take one bite and throw the rest away or something. It wasn't all that bad. So I finished my entire cake. But it's quite obvious if I don't like something. I don't ask for seconds, or I don't help myself to seconds.
Masayuki's birthday is in November. Okaasan said, "In November, we will bake ichigo-cake!" haha. Strawberry cake, for the baker's assistant named Strawberry! =)
Ah, what a wonderful day today. I'm so glad I stayed at home. <3 hehe, there's something to be said for staying at home after all! =) Even if I don't get out and see autumn leaves falling.
haha, I'm going to take my dad's suggestion and only update maybe 3-4 times a week. He's actually right, I spend so much time updating my blog (sometimes, it can take up to 2 hours, because I have to upload the pictures and arrange them in the order of my story) that I miss beauty sleep (also a reason why I'm falling ill, lack of sleep). Hence, hehe, look forward to 2 updates during the weekend (when I actually do stuff interesting) and 1-2 updates in the weekdays (when I'm most likely to tell u how stressed I am over the three tests next week).
I complained to Daryn about the HUGE number of tests. "What is WRONG with them!" I texted her. She replied, "It's called learning a new language."
So, yeah, I'm off to do my research on school bullying and suicide rates in Japan. bye! =)
P.S. Whenever I meet new Japanese people, I tell them, "My name is HueyWoon (pronounced HuiWen) but you can call me Ichigo-chan." And they're like, "Ichigo-chan?! Kawaii namae!" [ichigo-chan, cute name!] Those were the exact words from 3 or 4 Japanese people I've met recently... So, even my Japanese classmates call me Ichigo-chan. Haha, and this is all thanks to... Ms Daryn Lee who thought of this special nickname! =P hahahaha...
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