Haha, bad picture? Sorry. Forgot to bring my camera, so used my handphone to take pictures of the place, and then sent the pictures to my email from my phone. I really really really love the network here. It's so convenient! =)
In the end, I only ate 4 plates. Haha, erm, cos, お金がない!(I have no money). This Saturday, Daryn and I are going to Ginrigaku-ji, the Philosopher's Walk and Honen-ji. After which, we'd join 9 other people for Karaoke at Ring in Hirakata-shi. There's no free flow alcohol (good for all of us, bad for the plans I had in mind to get somebody drunk *laughs sadistically*). Free flow juice though, and u get to stay for quite a bit :) There's ping-pong too (for me whose voice is really really going away and so I may not be able to sing, AT ALL). Anyways, the point is, it'd cost at least 2000yen. Sunday, is Manga Museum (costing another 2000 yen, particularly if we actually have a proper lunch at Kyoto) and Monday (holiday again!) is Osaka (3000yen. yes, don't ask me why so bloody expensive. It just is.) Hence, you should understand why I am now not really in the mood to spend too much money. The amount I spent on lozenges is already 1000yen so far. And it's only thursday. Plus, because I'm heeding someone's advice to eat properly when I'm sick, so as to build up my immune system, I actually am eating rice for lunch everyday. Instead of a loaf of bread spread over 3 days (105yen for 6 slices! Who can ask for more?) HENCE, yeah, I AM trying to get better ASAP. Trust me. Trying ways and means to do it. [how come, sometimes, my posts always revolve around how pathetic I am, trying to save money? I swear, this will be one of the last times I actually elaborate on this. *rolls eyes at myself*]
Back to my sushi story. At a kaiten-zushi, instead of cramming as much sushi as possible, I ended up ordering coconut cake as my last order.

It was good. Haha, really. I couldn't taste the coconut very much though. a) I'm sick. b) my tongue was slightly affected by the wasabi I was eating. c) there was just too little of the coconut for me to know that it was coconut till Amy and Robbie enlightened me. But, the cream was bad for my throat. Kept coughing quite a bit after that.
We saw this group of 4 people who ate SO MANY PLATES OF SUSHI that the waitresses had to bring a pail to clear the table. Unfortunately, I didn't have time enough to take pictures of it. Only 2 women and 2 children. They were all so skinny. HOW THE HECK THEY MANAGE TO EAT SO MUCH IS BEYOND ME.

This was the number of sushi plates that we had on the table. I know for sure that Amy and Diana had 9 plates each. Daryn maybe had 7, and Robbie maybe 7 as well. Valerie had 8, and I had 4. Haha. the number of plates that table had was probably 2x what we ate. And we were 6 people!!!
Heres another picture, taken by Amy.

The rest of them lived in the Seminar House, so they walked back to the Seminar House, while Daryn and I spent at least 45 minutes walking to Gotenyama station because we didn't want to spend an extra 150yen on transport from Makino station (which is equally far, if I'm not mistaken). And, of course, neither of us wanted to pay 200yen for the bus to Hirakata-shi station. SO, the choice was clear: Walk back. Good exercise for us too :) The weather was really good today. Warm, and not cold at all! Really a good day to walk. =) Prof Kenney was warning me against being too happy, cos pretty soon, "We get quite chilly here." So I'll appreciate the warm weather while it lasts :)
In the train, I saw this guy who seemed like he stepped out from some shojo manga. I "secretly" took a picture of him on my phone, and because I cannot turn off the camera sound, he looked up when he heard the click. Haha, when I saw him face on, I could have sworn he stepped out from a TV series. かっこいい!I swear, めちゃかっこいい!(Shuai! I swear, DAMNED SHUAI). Ehem, I may get flamed for taking a picture of him like some stalker, so I shall not post it up here. but rest assured, he was めちゃかっこいい. Hmm, because FY never believes me whenever I say someone is shuai, I shall try to convince her by saying, he's even better looking than Adrian (benchmark). And Daryn agrees with me. She doesn't always agree with me, though. So, conclusion: 公认的帅哥. 公认 by daryn :P
Daryn says she sees such guys on her train every night. But seeing that I get home by 7pm every night punctually for dinner, I don't get to see those guys who get off from work late. Nor do I get to see high school students just ending juku classes. Haha. Is that a reason for me to join manga club activities so that I can end late too (and starve to death while at it)? To see more shuai guys? muahahahahahaha. nah, forget it. Too troublesome. I'd just be a "densha-stalker" [nickname from Ms Daryn Lee again]. Take pics of shuai ges whenever I see them. And smile at them sweetly if they catch me or like in today's case, look innocent and text furiously on my phone.
Hmm, yes. I shall now either go and take a shower, for study for my vocab quiz. Tomorrow, it's coffee day: Ashley, Amy, Robbie, Daryn and I always meet up for coffee/ (in my case) free tea every Friday at 10am.. It's become a routine, cos otherwise, we don't really make time for each other. =) Haha, Daryn was afraid Ms. S will join us if she catches wind of our daily routine. *crosses fingers* let's all hope not.
OH! Something funny happened today!
Outside the CIE lounge, there was a notice pasted. It was in a bar-code thing. So apparently, you use ur phone infrared or something to scan it to read it. I did see the notice early in the morning, but had no interest in it. Apparently, it was such a funny message...
In Japanese, it said, "Welcome to the Gaijin Fish Tank. Please only take one fish. There is not enough for everybody. Thank you and Good Luck. Please return the fish after 10 minutes."
I found it SO HILARIOUS. Apparently, the people at CIE weren't so amused by it, and they took it down (maybe because it was such an insensitive piece of writing?). But, when I told the gang just now about it, and everyone was amused by it lah. No offence taken, at all. Amy and Daryn think that it's probably a foreigner who pasted that, because it's probably not in a Japanese-humour fashion to play such pranks. But, we never know! =) Still, very very funny.
If you ask me, "if you can transport one person to Japan to spend the rest of the 3 months with you, who will it be?" The first person that comes to my mind is none other than the person who first initiated me into Japanese culture... SJ... The many things that are here, the many things that I see, the many things that I do, the many things that I experience... I wish you were here to experience them all with me. I know, you'd have loved it as much as I do... Temples, Kyoto, Nara, even the cemetaries, everything. You'd have loved it as much as I do. <3 Miss ya. P.S. Stoney's not used to the cold. Give him some time. Maybe he'd recover. Don't water him for a week or so? My cactus died too. So... :x we're both lousy gardeners. Maybe you'd do a better job. :)
huey~~~ u know i was thinking of the same things just now? I thought that it would be so incredibly fun if we're together in japan.... we can go everywhere together and be excited over everything.... but it's ok, maybe there's a chance we can go japan tgther next time! for holiday or job or whatever... never know right... *miss u loads*