I drink things I would never touch in Singapore. Two days ago, I was experimenting with my drinks. So, I poured ocha powder into a cup and mixed the ocha with full cream milk. It was heavenly! :) Daryn gave me some ginger tea yesterday. I normally hate ginger. Don't know how Mommy can stand it on its own. But, the ginger tea was so good that I finished it all up and kept telling her Okaasan, "Oishii!" [delicious]. Her okaasan gave me 5 packets to bring home. It's good for cough too, so that's why I'm going to drink it all up. I'm gonna survive, I'm gonna survive, I'm gonna survive from this horrible cough!
Hmm, I never did get around to drinking that Choya that I bought. Cos the medicine I bought and brought along with me says that I shouldn't consume alcohol after or before taking the medicine.
(B) Medicine
I finally got round to buying medicine. but it was so bloody expensive. 2000yen [around SGD25 with my better exchange rate]. I dont even know why i bothered buying insurance because i didnt even bother going to see a doc. if this round of medicine consuming doesn't work, I'm going to the doctor. The cough is getting better though I wonder if it's just.. well, self-fulfilling prophecy on my part. Let's just hope in 5 days I get better [thats the amount of time the cough medicine lasts].
(C) On Midterms
4 Japanese tests, 1 Entrepreneurship Test. The following week, Japanese Buddhism test.
- Oral exam [holding a decent conversation]: Teacher will ask you several questions. And you must be able to answer accurately and fluently.
- Reading aloud: Teacher gives you 2 passages beforehand [I have the passages now], and you are supposed to read the passages aloud in front of the teacher. Graded on intonation, fluency and accuracy.
- Written SPJ exam: Listening Comprehension [which Im not very good at], sentence structure, grammatical patterns.
- Written RWJ exam: kana, kanji, reading comprehension, short essay on what I did last weekend [i.e. this weekend, which is nothing: I studied the entire weekend. End of story.]
- Entrepreneurship in Japan - Short answer questions and essay exam, apparently. I'm so sian thinking of it as an exam. *sighs* Don't mind the Japanese cos I'm keeping up, but entrepreneurship I'm not doing so well. Fell asleep [I'm sorry!!!] in 3 of his classes. The last two was this week. I try to argue that it's because I'm sick. Alex told me, if I was going to fall asleep in the class, might as well skip that class and gain my full 80minutes sleep. True. It wasn't very nice of me to sleep in front of him... Don't suppose he was very flattered.
(D) On looking Japanese
I work so hard at dressing myself up, and following the Japanese fashion/style that now, some people think I'm Japanese, and the Japanese don't make the effort to talk to me at the fish tank (CIE lounge). Sighs, how disappointing. 弄巧反作! Except one girl, who was trying to practise her Mandarin.
(E) On Guys
My opinion of guys is going down, down, down, down, down. DOWN. Let's just say, it has things to do with foreign guys (American and Europeans especially) picking up Japanese girls to have sex with them. *rolls my eyes* The stories I've heard... *rolls eyes again*
(F) Plans for the future trips
- Mt Hiei (late October) maybe with Lucia (because I asked her in class today if she wanted to go)
- Osaka Zoo :P It's been a long time since I last went to a zoo. hahahahahaha. I get to go into this for free, once.
- Field trip to a Pure Land Temple :)
- Umeda
- Shinsaibashi/Hirakatashi: All u can eat yakiniku/shabu-shabu buffet <3 haha, looking forward to it so much!!! :) Masayuki asked me, "Do you eat a lot?" I said "No." and he said, "Then it's not worth it." BUT STILL.. Once in a blue blue moon. When I get well, of course.
- UJI! Uji!!!! Cha soba, and famous matcha leaves for my parents, here I come! <3
- Spa World (Expensive, but Masayuki says it's a nice place. :) Robbie went with his friends, Ryo and Yugo. And he loved it so much he's going back.)
- Hence, instead of SpaWorld, it's gonna be sento! hehe.
(G) Events I'm late in blogging
- Nara [do I even remember what I did in Nara?! Other than the stupid deer who ate my map...]
- Nijojo and Manga Museum
- Kappa Sushi with Daryn and Yui
Yeah, not compulsory, I know. But I've got damned good pictures from Nijojo. Facebook would allow me to upload all of those [without the hassle of commentaries], but I want to comment!!! haha, at least on some of them :) Maybe after I'm done with studying for Entrepreneurship.
Next week Saturday is gonna be spent with the entire Sem House gang [I hope! *crosses fingers*] at the Flea Market. After which, i don't know, maybe we'll wander around separately. Sunday is gonna be spent at Hirakata Ko-en with the host family [amusement park near our place]. Afternoon is piano practice.

君を忘れての仕方を教えてください。。。 :(
最近,脑海里总是在想东想西。 都不知道到底在干什么。不能专心读书,什么都不能做。有时,只会在一旁发呆。我到底在干什么?李慧雯,请醒醒吧!ほんまに馬鹿だろ!!
UJI?!!! My buddy is from Uji!
ReplyDeletefull cream milk???
ReplyDeletenv tasted it before.. PATHETIC ME!!
not gg to korea study trip cos i dun see the point of paying 2K and visiting unis to promote ntu :X
shall go friends!! YES!! KOREAN FOOD!!!
umdea~~ reminds me of umeda sensei in the manga.. haha
and take care!! post more fashion posts la.. clothes~~~
and ang mohs dig asians ma... hahaah
i suck at listening compre too. i think tts what kill us all when we learn a new lang..