I ate icecream at the train station, on a day that is 16 degrees when it's windy, and when I'm sick with cough and flu.
I can only say, it was 楽しかった and 美味しかった =) [enjoyable and delicious]
The next time I try something like that, will be in winter, when there's snow and I'll buy an icecream [the one I had today was fantastic: vanilla icecream with chocolate coating and small crunchy stuff on top] and stand in the snow with the chilly biting wind blowing, and finish the icecream.
If I catch pneumonia, you know who to blame. hahahahaha.
Today, I learnt a new phrase: 死ぬほどせきがでます [shinu hodo seki ga demasu]. Alex taught me over lunch. It means, I'm going to die from coughing [or something like that].
Last night, Ryn Ryn and Ringo taught me: 学校はしんどい [gakkou wa shindoi: school is tiring]. You probably can use it for work too: 仕事はしんどい [shigoto wa shindoi: job is tiring]
I also learnt Kansai-ben yesterday:
1) mecha [which I already know cos Yuuko uses it all the time]: very
2) akan [wataru is super fond of using]: no, you can't!
3) nandeanen [I just use nande]: why
4) shanai [the kansai form of shoganai]: it can't be helped
5) naiwa: no way
6) homma ni [which Masayuki already taught me with: homma chan wa homma ni kawaii]: really
7) chao [kansai form of chigau]: wrong/different
I miss one thing very very badly [and I really mean badly] about my home [in Singapore]. I miss being able to open the fridge/storeroom and take just anything to eat without needing to ask, or feeling like I'm stealing something. Sighs, yes, it always has something to do with food.
I was thinking about this in the train yesterday. What is my greatest fear. And the answer is... "My greatest fear is not having food in my bag". Can you believe that?!!
Two days ago, I made sandwiches for lunch. One strawberry sandwich for Daryn, two other sandwiches for myself: blueberry sandwich and butter sandwich. Why 2 for me and 1 for her? Hmm, because she didn't ask for the sandwich. I made it for her as a snack, not for lunch. For me, the sandwiches WERE lunch. Anyways, I forgot Daryn's friend was coming along. So while both of us devoured our respective sandwiches, I felt bad and so offered the last [butter] sandwich to her. Once she started munching on it, I looked into the empty lunchbox and felt a surge of panic. AND I AM NOT KIDDING. I really felt the surge of panic. i.e. "NO MORE FOOD. NO MORE LUNCH. WHAT IF I STARVE TO DEATH?"
it's a totally irrational fear. Because, Japan is full of kombinis [convenience stores]. I shouldn't even feel this fear. Nonetheless, it nagged at me all the way from Nijo-jo to Manga Museum and from Manga Museum to 7-11.
Perhaps you may think it's an unhealthy obsession, my obsession with food. Actually, there is a perfectly logical explanation for it. The fear is not actually the lack of food. Above all, I fear the gastric pain that comes along with hunger. Because I easily get gastric when I'm hungry, when there is no food to ease my hunger, I panic. I fully agree with the behaviourists on this. It is a conditioned response. For me, having food in my bag, is a security thing. I feel secured knowing that there is food in my bag, and that anytime I need it, I can just pull it out and munch on it.
It also helps that when someone ELSE is hungry, I always have some food to offer them. =) But, I don't think Alex ever, and I mean EVER, accepted my food. He's always, "Ah, I'm hungry." And when I pull something out from my bag, he's like, "kekko desu" [no need] He enjoys rejecting my food. He told me so today. Although I know he would reject my food, I just can't help it. If someone's hungry, and I've got food, I should offer, shouldn't I? Daryn is on the receiving end of my food too... At least, she accepts my food. haha.
AHH! Next year, Alex will [probably] be in France. SO, on my backpack around Europe trip next year, I know I will have a place to stay in France. Yay! haha. well, unless something screws up and he can't go to france, he'll stay in japan. JEALOUS :( I'm jealous of anyone who gets to stay in japan for a year... *sobs*
Here are the purikura pictures from yesterday's Umeda and Shinsaibashi outing...

As you can see, in some pictures I'm not in there. That's because... THERE WERE SO MANY PEOPLE! =x Haha, in the last 3 pictures, u can see if there's Alex, I'm not in the picture. And if I'm in the picture, he's not. That's because they couldn't fit BOTH of us in the picture...
Ah well. But it was really fun =) hehehehhehehehehe.
Purikura!!! Japan rocks. hehe. I know, I'll get hit for this. Liking purikura when in Singapore I don't take many neoprints...
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