So, no prizes for guessing who brought me to the school. It was 30 minutes by train, and then another 20 minutes on foot. We reached just in time for the start of the Sports Day. On our way there, he told me that the Sports Day is an extremely special day in school. All (or most) of the students look forward to Sports Day. It's an all day event (today it started at about 930, and ended at around 330). It's a special day not only for the students, but also for the parents because it's a time to build community bonds and spirit.
When I arrived, the parents all had mats and had already laid them on the ground. The whole place was teeming with people! Haha... And the excitement in the air was palpable... Haha, reminiscent of my own Sports Day in SNGS, where I did NOT enjoy myself. It was always a, "Sian, Sports Day again. Must cheer till I get sore throat" kinda thing.
Anyways, the first picture shows the words (translated): Ikeda Sensei, please return (to visit?). Apparently, when the school first started, Ikeda Sensei visited the school often. In the last 7-8 years, he has not returned to the school. The students, teachers and of course, principal of the school, would like him to come back and visit the school. Hence, the words. Plus, the photos of the Sports Day are published (at least some) in Seikyo Shimbun (which I actually did try to read! and which Otoosan gave me a stack to try to decipher the Kanji of). So, maybe it'd strike a chord in Ikeda Sensei's heart, and he'd visit Soka Gakuen.
The second picture shows the three "house" flags. Obviously, I was too far to capture it properly. The red flag has a picture of the pink panther. The blue flag a picture of stitch (very cute!) and the yellow flag has a picture of pooh bear. Haha, I only remember the yellow group's name: Pooh-san, B-san. I don't know why they are called that, but it's the easiest to remember. And Yuko is in Pooh-san, B-san! =)
Today was a very hot day. I saw the news this morning: 26 degrees. Plus, the sun was shining so brightly. I got a headache sometime during the period in the sun, and I suspected a little bit of heatstroke. So, drank plenty of water!! haha. Masayuki was saying, "atsui" (hot) all the time. So, halfway through the Sports Meet, we went off to explore the school.
Masayuki was a student of Soka Gakuen also (from Soka Elementary, to Soka Junior High, and to Soka High School). He didn't go to Soka University and I will explain why later on in this blog entry.
The school is beautifully big. HUGE. I swear it's so huge it has a baseball field, 6 tennis courts, a huge field, one soccer field, etcetcetc. It reminded me a bit of Soka University in California. Haha. Cos it's so big! But then, it's also in the sort-of country side (like the Soka University as well). Maybe the land was cheap, so build a huge school for the benefit of the students!
The second picture, in case u're wondering, is of the ducks at a pond in the school. The third is of a swan in the same pond. Isn't it cool, to have a swan in the pond?! I was told that there were initially more swans, but now there's only one :( Maybe the other two died... The fourth picture is of the soccer field (haha, yeah, no grass.. but it's a huge huge huge place!) The last picture is of Masayuki posing as Walt Whitman (-_-||) haha. This was taken at the Ikeda Auditorium. I didn't take pictures of the audi because it was dark in there. Plus, every auditorium looks the same lah...
We also went in the school buildings. In the school buildings, you have to wear slippers. You cannot wear your shoes in it. Something like your house. You shouldn't wear your shoes in your house kinda thing. Kinda strange for me, especially when I was at the 食堂 (shokudo = cafeteria?) because, to me, if someone spills something on the floor and didn't clean up, you're gonna get your feet/socks dirty! Which was exactly what happened to Masayuki during lunch.
Anyways, I was given a private tour of the entire school, from the junior high section, to the high school section, to the gym, kendo room, basketball court, swimming pool (which was all the way hidden in some obscure corner), the art room, and Masayuki's ex-classroom (now Yuko's current classroom).
This is the aerial view of the school when it was just built. You can see that it's sort of in the country side.
This is the first Soka Gakuen winter uniform. When the school was first opened, it was only meant for girls. So, there was only uniform for the girls. Apparently, Okaasan attended Soka Gakuen and was the pioneer batch of the school. So Masayuki said, "Maybe Okaasan has this uniform." [or maybe she threw it away, who knows?]
We were wandering around when we walked here and saw a HUGE spider. Well, the spider's right in the middle of the picture (just around where the white starts to show). You can enlarge the picture too. It's horrendously scary lah! HUGEEEEEEE spider.
The swimming pool. See the mountains in the back? It's so pretty, ne? It was locked, so we couldn't enter. But, Masayuki told me when he was in swimming club, he'd climb up to the top of the building, where the view was spectacular. Haha. I wish I could have climbed in somehow to see the spectacular view that he was talking about. He was telling me that even if the door hadn't been locked, I might not be able to climb up. Cos apparently, it's very high, and I think it involves a ladder. Given that I'm a little bit acrophobic, especially when it comes to ladders (no safety at all!) maybe good thing there wasn't a way to get into the swimming pool area.
I did, however, take a picture from the 3rd storey. It's not within the school. An area for growing plants. :) Shows a little bit how... countryside it is near the Gakuen!
Haha, I like the words in the background. :) It says on the right: Kansai Soka. On the left (maybe obscured by Mr Masayuki, pretending to be some strongman, haha) are the words (translated very very loosely here): Spirit of always wanting victory (something like that. Or, something like, never being defeated). Very inspiring, I feel, especially in a school context.
Orlando Bloom visited Soka Gakuen and gave a present to the school: A stuffed lion. DAMNED. I forgot to take a picture of it! How careless of me :'( I asked why he gave a lion, and not other animals (what a stupid question to ask). The answer was: because in the lion, there's the word teacher. So he's reminding (sort of) the students of their mentor, the founder of Soka Gakuen.
Here are the art paintings found in the art room, as well as along the corridor of the 3rd storey (the art storey).
Art room which Masayuki sneaked me into.
For some reason, I really really love this painting. It attracted me right from the start. I can't explain my attraction, though. :x Maybe just a feeling that she's free-falling?
Masayuki liked this painting. I thought it was good too.
This was in the art room. SO PRETTY, SO CUTE. SO KAWAII. <3
Don't know what these are, but they seem pretty cool to me :)
I asked Masayuki to stand beside the painting to show how big the canvas was. Haha. He's pretty tall. This is a painting of Osaka-jo (during Sunset, I think).. nicely drawn, dont u think? I won't be able to do ANYTHING like that.
This, however, is my favourite picture. Why? Because, " The most important things in my life? World peace, my family, your smile." It's like something you'd find in a Japanese notebook (with horrid English). But, the message is so simple, pure and innocent. :) Accompanied by such a cute painting of a little androgynous boy... I love it!
Yeah, well, okay. I know, I was at a Sports Day and few pictures I've shown so far are actually of the Sports Day. Haha, so yes, I will include some this instant. =)
Jump rope in a team. I caught the last team (on the right) in mid-air. But can only see that if u zoom in up close. Haha. The winning team this year skipped (in tandem with each other) for a straight 57 times. Masayuki was like, "ah, it's okay. The year I won, we skipped 58." =P
I liked taking pictures of this one cos it's kinda cool. One guy carries a very light (hopefully) individual (can be guy or girl), with two people supporting to make sure the one who's on top doesnt fall. I found it really interesting! Another one for you! =)
Here is tug-of-war. :) This team that I took a picture of, I think eventually neither side won by the time the whistle blew off.
Blue blue skies, mountain. What else can one ask for? =) It was dying to have its picture taken. :)
We'd been walking / standing the entire day. So, while waiting for Yuko, we found a corner to sit. It was right opposite this bookshelf filled with books that you can bring home. I selected a book and tried reading it (like duh, couldn't understand much of it). Masayuki spent quite a bit of time (from Yuko's debrief till she came to meet us) translating the first chapter of the book. Haha. He made a HUGE effort to explain the entire story to me! お疲れ様でした!(otsukaresamadeshita = 辛苦了!) I was super amazed at his patience lah. Haha, if it were me, I'd be so tired. Imagine having to explain a story written in English in Chinese!!! *shudders*
Anyways, I asked Masayuki, what's the difference between a Soka Education and normal Japanese Education. Apparently, the focus in Soka Education is building character. Academic studies is not the main concern. Students have a lot of activities, and are encouraged to join clubs. Masayuki himself joined: swimming club and broadcasting club. Yuko is constantly training at Tennis Club. Even on Sundays.
The road to Soka University from Soka High School is well-paved. Many individuals who go to Soka High School get an easy entry to Soka University. Hence, there is not much need to focus so much on academic results.
So, why didn't Masayuki go to Soka University? Cos it's in Tokyo, and Tokyo's cost of living is very high... So, he wanted to go to a public university that is in Kansai and that he can commute from home (hence, Kobe University).
In the last picture, if you enlarge, you will see 3 flags. The left most flag is the Soka Gakkai flag. The middle flag is the old Gakuen flag. Not very sure what the right most flag is. Anyways, the point is: notice that there is NO Japan flag.
I asked Masayuki why. I've never been in an international, private school, so I don't know what it's like in private schools (which is what Soka Gakuen is. A private school). He answered, "Because, above all, we are Soka Gakkai." Hmm, in those exact words. I wonder if he knew the significance of what he said, in the way he said it... Anyways, he can't sing the national anthem! All students of this school (past and present) cannot sing the national anthem. They do however, sing a lot of Gakkai songs.
Ah, well. All in all, it was very 面白かった. I must say that Masayuki was a very good host. Haha. Although he did stop by to talk to his teachers and his friends, most of the time he stuck by my side to make sure I wasn't bored or wasn't lost or something. He was tired lah (hangover from last night!) so I was all the more impressed by his hospitality. haha. Probably was cursing me for taking away his beauty sleep this morning. hahahahaha.
Hmm, an update about food: Steak for dinner today, with homemade french fries! Okaasan cooked the steak medium rare. HMM, very nice... Yes, I know.. Mad cow disease. But I don't refuse anything that is put in front of me (even natto and beer! but Okaasan hasnt offered me Natto since I last ate it, and she never offers me beer anymore after Daryn told her I was allergic to beer.) Okaasan is also very observant when it comes to seeing what I eat. Although I don't tell her all the time, she knows I love onions, like icecream, like chocolate, like ankor (basically like anything sweet), love okonomiyaki, cheese, etc. So, even though I don't say, she'd try to make something that she knows I'd like. Again, like mother, like son right? Good hostess/host.
A girl told me that her host mother screamed/shouted/berated (i dont know which but all are bad) her one day for putting her shoes wrongly. Hmm, to me, if someone berates me, I'd think that it's the person being comfortable enough with me to shout at me, right? I mean, there must be a level of familarity before someone can shout at me right? At least, if I dislike someone, I will only voice my true opinions if s/he is a close enough friend...
I think Okaasan will never do berate me if I do something wrongly, but she will definitely silently seeth inside. I'm trying to learn by observing how the family behaves. I also know that I'm still regarded as an outsider... I don't try to be accepted as part of the family because I will never be! I'm leaving in 3 months. It's not like I'm marrying into the family or something. So, instead, I attempt to gain trust as a friend. Tricky issue, I tell you. Very very tricky... To gain a person's trust is difficult anyways. :x But, gambarimasu!
=) Okay, nowadays, I have a bad habit of showering at 12midnight. And sleeping with my hair wet. Okay, I sleep with my hair wet, whether or not I shower at 12midnight. but, still! It's a bad bad bad habit. :x
And, I feel the oncoming sore throat. Alex has fallen to the dreaded virus that's hitting people here. So has Okaasan. And Daryn. people who I hang out/around with often =X
SIGHS. Please let me not get sick. Please let my Watson's vit c + zinc efferverscence tablets work. Please please please please please. Cos once I fall ill, I take AGES to recover. :'(
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