Before we left for the Kaikan, went to Child Space and took a picture with Hikari and Wataru (and the rest of the children :))
Wataru loves to pose. I think he looks pretty cute here. :) hehe.
After which, we went to the nearby wagashi store (not as fancy as Toraya lah). Okaasan bought one of each kind. They were all anko (red bean paste) and all of them were really really good <3 hehe. I love wagashi. 和菓子が大好きだよ!
The rest of the day was spent: surfing internet when I should have been studying for SPJ Lesson Test. *shrugs* Blame it on the sian-ness.
It's the season where everyone is tired and sianz. I told Lucia today, "I'm tired." And Lucia said, "Welcome to the club." Then I said that many people I've been talking to have told me that they're tired. She said, "Really??" Then, we asked Maiya, "How are you today?" when she entered class. Immediately, she said, "I'm tired." After that.. Sensei stepped into class and I complained very loudly, "Sensei, つかれた!" She looked at me for a while and said, "私も。"
People are starting to fall ill, I see. I'm preparing my body for the next fall to illness that I hope will not come. =X
The weather suddenly dropped by 5 degrees. The lowest is 5 degrees, the highest is 15. *shrugs* Tomorrow's gonna rain. So, the lowest temperature will drop to maybe 3degrees. Sighs. It's getting cold...
Wataru is SUGOI KAWAII with his cute smile and cute tiny traditional clothes!
ReplyDeleteI think so too! hahahaha. Hikari's cute too! =P Except she doesn't know how to smile in front of a camera. When she's not self-conscious, she can really be cute... <3