My right knuckles hurt. It's an abrasion caused by one of my favourite shirts. My shirt's a bit rough, so it scratched against my knuckles. =( It's also the same shirt that gave me such a tough time today ironing! =(
I have a secret (now not secret already right?) stash of food. It's inside a drawer in my clothes cupboard. There's cereal, green tea, ginger tea, seaweed, two packets of crackers, black soybean cocoa...
I finished the crackers (in green) and I felt so nauseous after that. It made me throw up but my stomach still suffered from some cramping and it hurt so badly :( Lesson to self: dont be so bloody greedy lah. I was so afraid that I kena food poisoning, like Trey and Alex. Even now, my stomach is churning from the fright it got in the morning. Maybe I won't even touch the orange one after this. *shudders*
I was comparing pictures of myself now and pictures of myself just before coming to Japan. I put on weight! As in, my face has fleshed out a bit. =X oh wells. I wouldn't really know for sure until I get a weighing machine, or when I eventually get my hands on a measuring tape. Till then, I shall just wonder... Just like I did in the US before I found a weighing machine at a supermarket. Hahahahaha.
Sometimes, I wish I have a bloody lock on my door. So that people wouldn't barge in anyhow. Not that I'm doing anything secret, but in Singapore, no one does that to me and to have Wataru and Hikari randomly walk into my room while I'm trying to complete my homework drives me nuts sometimes.
When I finish washing dishes, I expect an empty sink till the next morning. It DOESN'T EVER happen here. Cos Otoosan comes home pretty late, even after the time I wash plates (around 9pm) he still isn't home. So, the next day, when I walk to the sink, I see pots and dishes. Of course, usually I don't wash plates in the morning cos I'm rushing for classes but still... *sighs* I don't think people understand how I feel about washing plates. There is a huge stack of plates and pots and pans in front of you. You clean everything, wipe the sink, stove and table top spotless. And one hour later, you go back and you see it filled with dirty plates.. *sighs*
For Japanese Buddhism midterms, I got the question, "Soka Gakkai was founded in the 19th Century, true or false" wrong. Of all questions to get wrong. =(
Daryn often tells me that I've got a very good memory for details. She says that often I'd quote back ad verbatim, or close to ad verbatim, what she said to me. Sometimes, I can even name the place she told me the thing. Like one day, we were walking down a stretch of road and I remarked, "You know, this is where we had the conversation about xxx." Haha, she's impressed by my memory. But, it's nothing really great leh. Maybe it's just that she has bad memory.
Daryn also says that I'm a narcissist. Sometimes, I don't think she's joking. Haha. I really think I am! But then, when she's not joking, she says that actually, I'm charismatic, not narcissistic. She tells me that people (maybe herself?) are drawn to me because I give an image of self-assurance, of stability, of independence, of being a pillar to rely on. Really? *shakes head* I remember a very (seems to me very) long time ago, I was told that I was flaky, ditzy, childish and weak. How strange that I should change so much within 2 months. Maybe it's just her. But if I really did change from that childish image to a pillar to rely on, then these 2 months have not been wasted on only fun. I've "grown up".
But, some things never change. I still eat slowly, still like pink, still wear black and white a lot, still get bullied all the time (not real bullying. its only joking), still complain of hunger all the time except it's now in Japanese, still eat a whole lot, still bring bentos to school for lunches sometimes, still say the stupidest things sometimes... Haha.
Okay, I'm bloody hungry. I'm going to hunt for food downstairs.
Today's lunch was late in coming back home. It only arrived at 2.30p.m. By then, I'd already consumed 2 pieces of mochi, 2 oranges, 2 glasses of green tea, the entire packet of seaweed crackers, 3 packets of seaweed, 1 cup of cocoa. Haha. So I didnt eat much for lunch.
YAY. Dinner.
Daryn says its my host family's bad luck to have a greedy host kid. =P
ReplyDeletegirl u act ure surviving a war and living on rations :P
my stomach's acting up on me too :D
is it winter there yet?
Haha, I can't help it lah.. I'm afraid of likelihood of earthquakes too :P
ReplyDeletesighs, it's a season or what, that stomachs act up on people?
It's still autumn. Winter's not due till Dec :)