So, while people are outside having a life during Halloween, enjoying themselves in Kuzuha, at Ring, at anywhere else but SH, I was at home trying to get work done, and chatting. I'm super super super super boring. *sighs* And it's not gonna change. To me, it's mendokusai [troublesome, 麻烦]. I've rejected so many requests to go out partying that nowadays, no one bothers asking me, because they know the answer would be a "ちょっと” [means, a little, means I'm rejecting you].
Well, anyways, here are the rest of the pictures from Halloween, Halloween eve. None of the following pictures were taken by me. It was taken by Amy, and I stole all of them from her. Enjoy? Haha.

I like the pirate outfit on the right. She was in the contest, and introduced herself as, "I'm shexy pirate." I didn't spell it wrongly. She said, "shexy".

So Robbie wore this ghoulish looking mask. Supposed to be a grim reaper. He walked into the kombini [convenience store] with me guiding him. At the counter, the cashier REFUSED to look at him. I'm not exaggerating. She looked anywhere but at his face. Hahahaha. It was so funny.

The two [red and blue] are supposed to be the bad guys in pacman. On Halloween, the blue one disappeared. So I asked the red one, "Where did ur partner go?" He just shrugged. They don't talk. They do the weirdest things. I was studying for Japanese Buddhism near the computer lab, and the two of them just stood at the transparent door, looking in, without saying anything, and without doing anything. Just staring in. It was kinda creepy. Haha. Amy [devil] and Ashley [angel] are on the right.

Haha, the guy on the right is the same guy I took a "shexy" picture of. He wore a different costume on Halloween itself, without the boots that almost killed him. I like the tinklebell outfit too.

For FY who is into superheros. Here's spiderman.

Aw man, he looks like he's in a pretty bad shape.

I like this costume the best. Darth Vader.

The CIE gang. So cute right?

Apparently, this kinda costume's quite popular in Japan. Haha. you can be a bear... or a pikachu!

Asian girls wanna be. the one on the far right is the sexiest one. I saw her up close and couldn't believe her figure. Though, I'd bet she was cold towards the end of the night. Haha.

These dolls are traditional dolls in the CIE lounge. Haha, someone pasted a pumpkin head over the left, and a cat mask on the right. Hahahahahahaha. It's quite funny =P
Yep, those are some pretty cool pictures.
I owe an update on:
- last week at Flea Market.
- last week at hirakata-koen
- this week's cheerleader show. I know at least 3 guys who'd be interested to see the pictures on cheerleaders. tsk.
Maybe will update tomorrow. maybe.
Monday is holiday, but then, I've got something to hand in on monday. So must hurry hurry finish up now. So tomorrow I can enjoy my jazz concert in peace.
Note to self:
- look at SMU boss term 2 timetables.
- do Entrepreneurship research
- tell maiya cant make it for project meeting =(
- pack bag for tokyo [YES YES YES]
- do homework [listening and prac]
- read globalization notes
- do research on suicide in japan
- tell naito sensei I will be absent on monday...
- figure out what to do/where to go on monday where i can go without spending more than $40
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