Halloween was also the start of Gaidai festival. It's very Secondary School and JC-ish. I definitely did not enjoy those stupid festivals in SN or in TJ where you have to sell stupid stuff, come up with stupid games, and try to earn money from your friends, or from the alumni stupid enough to come back, or parents eager to support your "worthy cause". I hated it very much, but I guess, it's not limited to Singapore! It's everywhere! Even in KGU. Overpriced food, overpriced drinks, overpriced games (like smashing pies into people's faces) etc.
This is at the forum area :) It's painted especially for the Gaidai Fest. It's also painstakening pasted piece by piece to the stairs. I can't imagine taking so much time to do this. The students are really dedicated.
KGU compound:
It's a lot bigger than it seems from here, and there were a lot more people than you can see here.
While I was wandering around before SPJ class, I chanced upon a very good cheerleading performance. I've seen my fair share of cheerleading in SN. This was really really really good.

This is kinda pretty and impressive. I stole the above picture from Amy cos I didn't have this in mine. Haha.
They make words with their pompoms. I got a rather good position (not that great but relatively better than other people). It's amazing. We were all very impressed!
In Katakana, this says, "Gaidaisai"
"Perfect" [pa-fe-ku-to]
"Fest" [fe-su-ta]
"Pyrates" = name of the cheerleading team.
I think I missed the first one. =X Oh wells, but more of less right.
I think the following is the most impressive part...
Somersaults in the air!!!! Isn't that cool!?! Synchronized [sort of] somersaults!!!
They held up the letters "PYRATES" But i only got that part of it. The girls in front are spelling the name with their body :)
Sighs, the woman's head is in the way of a good picture. *cuts off her head*
This was quite impressive too. So they formed this formation, and turned 360 degrees clockwise. I wasn't in time to take a video, but it was pretty impressive, seeing no one fell off. Amazing!
Haha, all in all, they are a very very cool bunch. :) I was staring at their legs. Very muscular. Sensei told me that they practise at least 5 times a week, and they've been invited to all sorts of functions. They have boundless energy and enthusiasm (at least during the performance) and shout with all their might. It's amazing!!! There was a girl who fell off, and they all managed to catch her just in time. It's really sugoi (amazing).
And then, there's more halloweeny stuff.
The guy who won the top prize for the category of cross-dressing came in a different set of clothes on Halloween itself. Contrary to what it seems, he wasn't adjusting his bra. He was taking a wallet out of his clothes because there wasn't a pocket.
[Will, Ashley, Robbie]
Will acting damned hiao.
This final picture is very important. No, it's not because I am in the picture. It's because I'm going to be helpful (and be a matchmaker!). It's for all my guy friends who're hounding me to introduce a Japanese girl to them. Please choose the one you find prettiest and I'll introduce you to them through facebook, email or phone. =)
Actually. NO. I'm kidding. They ARE my friends, but NO, I'm NOT introducing them to you. I am NOT going to help the lot of you "expand your pool" of girls, as one friend so kindly put it. You want, you come to Japan and make Japanese girl-friends yourself. *sticks out tongue*
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