On Saturday, I decided to make bento for Daryn and me. So, each of us got: a bowl of rice, fried egg, 3 very tiny chicken sausages, 2 slices of black pepper sausage. =) Otoosan caught me cooking (ehem) and asked, "Lunch?" I could only say, "Yes, lunch." Luckily he didn't ask me, "Why 2 bentos?" haha. I also brought along teabreak in the form of ham and cheese sandwich. Haha, save money on lunch, in order to spend (alot of) money...
Because, what happened was.. I spent money like crazy that day. I bought:
- a black and white scarf
- 4 pairs of socks [one of which is woolen]
- a bag [that gave me shoulderache on Sunday]
- cute, fluffy hair ties
- Ocha
- Cornflakes
- Crunchy cornflakes
- Cheese snacks
- Coconut milk tea
No, it doesn't escape me that the last few objects are... food. and drinks. Haha. Not my fault! I was craving for crunchy cornflakes!
Anyways, we went from Shinsaibashi to the other end, Honmachi. So, on Sunday, we walked from Shinsaibashi to the opposite end, Namba.
At Kyobashi, there's a shop called Rappopo, which is just outside the Uniqlo shop inside the Keihan Kyobashi station. It sells, according to Asuka, fantastically delicious Sweet Potato and Apple Pie that I never got around to buying because a) it is bloody expensive b) it's too big for only daryn and I to share. So, instead we got this:
Ehem, I know! Looks strange, doesn't it? It's 紫芋 (murasaki imo = purple sweet potato). It is delicious :) Each of us had one. It's very expensive, and I won't really buy it again because I can always go to the shop that sells vegetables near Gotenyama station to buy one sweet potato and cook it for me and Daryn. But it was still good :)
The last time I walked along that stretch I didnt see the Disney shop. Only saw the Hello Kitty shop. :) So, I took a picture of the Disney shop this time.
Once again, we stopped at Kitty-chan's home. Daryn took some pretty pictures:
Isn't that pretty? The lighting.
Random pictures.
We also took purikura yesterday =) I will take pictures of my purikura pictures and upload them, but it wouldn't be as clear as scanning them. *sighs* We also ate (again) crepe! Haha, the only flavour we could agree on was chicken and egg mayo. I wanted maple ("too sweet" she said) and she wanted ichigo ("why eat me?!" I said). Next time if I go, I'd order maple with rare cheese. Hahahahaha.
Our (unopened) crepe. [directed at FY.] Haha, the last time we ate crepe, we opened it up to show the ingredients. This time, we didn't. It'd be too messy.
I think Daryn looks pretty in this picture. Haha.
Only one word to describe me: Greedy. But, as you should know, I don't like chocolate icecream. So the chocolate chip one isn't mine. Mine was the super sweet caramel pudding. These two cones of icecream came from... tadah! Vending machines :) Hehe, so convenient, right? =) We were both craving icecream. Rest assured, this time it was NOT raining, and I was not standing anywhere windy. In fact, it was a little warm, with my acrylic / fleece shirt. And, as you all should also know, I eat damned slowly. But, icecream I finished it half a cone earlier than Daryn. She was kinda surprised. Haha. It was reallllllllllllllllly delicious. :) *satisfied grin*
At SEGA's toilet, I took a picture of this.
Can you understand why I was amused? I'm the most unobservant person on earth I know and I managed to spot that. Haha. If you can't spot it, then... Well, maybe you're less observant than I am. Haha.
Since it's Shinsaibashi, I was shopping again. Ehem, very common lah. In Singapore, I shop all the time too. haha. I was taking pictures in the dressing room to show Daryn, because she was nowhere to be found.
This, I have to agree with Daryn, was really really strange.
I eventually bought this skirt. Haha. I'm a sucker for black and white, not my fault!
Daryn lent me the skirt 2 days ago, because I was bored with my clothes and wanted a nice skirt. Haha. It's also pleated. Very very good for the school girl image. As long as I've got a white shirt, maroon tie, black coat, it'd go perfectly with this. :)
And this is me, acting hiao, at the subway. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA.
And that's it! That's the end of my weekend out.
I did my finances last night, and amazingly, I kept within my finances for the week I shopped the most. Hahahahahaha. The rest of the weeks, I spend wayyyyyyyyyyy more than the budget I gave myself. Each week, I give myself SGD100 to spend. And this last week is one of the few weeks I kept within the 100 limit. Sighs. Blame it on the travelling. =X I easily spend up to SGD13 on travelling whenever I go to Osaka or Kyoto. If further, I can spend up to SGD30... =X [and of course, to Tokyo, it was wayyyyyyyyy more than SGD300]
it just means 1am lor....
ReplyDeleteHaha, yeah, but it's so strange! never saw it in my entire life...