It's things like this and more that makes me sad to leave Japan. 日本が大好きだよ!
Nowadays, I walk much slower than before to and fro school. Not because I'm getting weaker physically (actually, I feel the next bout of illness coming... starting from the sore throat), but because I realise that I've got so little time left. It'd be only a few more weeks before lessons end and I'd never walk up and down Gotenyama again. I spend copious amount of time thinking to myself when I walk to school. Not that whatever I'm thinking is particularly healthy for me. But still, that time is precious to me.
Like what Oscar's mom told me when I was so reluctant to leave Tokyo, "All good things must come to an end."
P.S. Maple star picture courtesy of Amy
[/Edit]这几天,想了很多很多。脑子快要爆炸了。我累了。身体,心灵都累了。。晚上,因为想太多,不能好好地睡一场觉。上课时,总是打瞌睡。但是,一旦有空睡觉,就 是睡不着。。。前天,只睡3
个小时。。。昨天,本以为终于有了个(不太明确的)答案了。今天, 我却改变了主意 (所以说嘛。。。我得到的是个不太明确的答案)。不想打这场战争了。我有想过。。。 胜利的几率有多高。发现,如果真的开始打这场战争,只会伤害到自己,把自己弄得难堪。太累人了。我看。。。这样就够了。
这1.5个月,我需要好好地休息。回新加坡、たぶん、こころがとてもいたいから。I will need all the energy I can get.
And this entry has 3 languages! haha. *claps claps*
Wow, I love that picture! It's so pretty.
ReplyDeleteThinking seems to be bad for health. Hahah. Please take care. I don't want it that when you're back in SG, you're half dead. Kthxbye.
what are u gg to do tt wld make us friends wanna kill u?? 0_o
remind me once again tt im a september baby n i love autumns D:
can smuggle a maple leaf back?? hahah
ur leaves are much nicer than mine here. bleh.
ReplyDeleteTo ashke: Haha, I'm trying not to be half-dead in Japan. Still got 1.5 months to go u know.
ReplyDeleteTo Cher: Yes.. I can try, but then, it'd rot. Haha. Not very romantic :P
To Proke: And you expect different from Kyoto? The place of pretty temples and castles? Dream on. :P