Monday, October 6, 2008

One of the Strange Fads in Japan

Bananas have become extremely expensive in Japan due to the Morning Banana Diet.

I read an explanation of the Banana Diet here: Morning Banana. And I watched a woman on TV taking the Banana Diet and then she continuously lost weight.

Hmm, if you actually read it carefully, it's so commonsensical...


a) Don't eat after 8p.m. I know this. It's the main reason why my tummy is flatter than it used to be. Oprah Winfrey doesn't eat after 7pm. She only has a cup of herbal tea after 7 p.m.

b) Eat your food mindfully. Isn't that why I eat so slowly? Cos I'm mindfully chewing 32 times [hahaha, but who's counting.. the main point is: I eat slowly to savour the food]

c) "At all meals you should eat only until you're satisfied but not full or stuffed" The usual rule is eat until you're 70% full, and not 100% full. LIKE DUH.

Those three are just examples of commonsensical stuff they write as "rules" to eating the banana diet.

Most importantly, you can substitute bananas with other fruit! -___-|| So, in essence, you DON'T HAVE TO HAVE BANANAS. Though, bananas are energy giving, that's for sure.

Note though, like all fad diets, it has this that I dislike very much: You don't have to exercise.

Once I see that phrase, I know, for sure, it's not gonna work after a certain period. Simple addition and subtraction. You add calories, you must subtract them somehow right? And how do you do that? Through exercise. Stop taking the bus and walk! Or stop a few stops away and then walk... The weather's so good these few days! It's not like you're supposed to run around the field 6 times every single day. Its walking just a little bit more, or climbing stairs when you usually take the elevator or escalator. Things like that =X Amy actually wakes up early (recently) to take a walk around the park, to keep fit. So, its not necessary to run, swim, play tennis, dance etc. Of course, if you enjoy those, go ahead...

Reminds me of Mr Bean's company slogan, "Life's simple pleasures". Isn't it one of the simple pleasures in life? Hmm, life's simple pleasures is when you are able to walk up a slope, breathe in the crisp air every single day, be able to taste the food you put in your mouth (I just HAVE to include food in every thing), being able to sleep well at night, be able to read a book, be able to hear things, be able to see things, be able to feel... It helps to take a little bit of time off to reflect about the very things that you take for granted. Haha, not that I do that often. It's just that today I'm a bit ill, so I'm not hungry, and then I think about those days when I'd be stuffing my face. Ah, i take those days for granted too. =)

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