Friday, October 10, 2008

2nd Japanese post

今日、クイズがありましたから、昨日、たくさん勉強しました。だから、今頭が痛いです。:( 本当に病気です。喉が痛いです。せきもあります。嫌い!嫌い!病気が嫌い!:(

今 日はちょっと忙しいです。寝屋川市City Hallへ行きました。Alien Registration Cardを持っていきました。それから、買い物をしました。ちょやとミルクマチャとココアを買いました。ちょやは安いですよ!101円です!でも、小さい です:( あした、ちょやをのみます!!! :P



Today, there was a quiz so I studied a lot yesterday. As a result, I have a headache now. I'm really sick. Throat hurts, and I have a cough. Hate! Hate! I hate sickness.
Today was a little busy. Went to Neyagawashi City Hall to collect my alien registration card. After that, went shopping. Bought Choya, Milk Matcha and Cocoa. Choya is really cheap. 101yen! But it is tiny. Tomorrow I will drink Choya.

Tired, very tired. My head hurtssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.


昨天,在SH发生了蛮大的事件。多希望当时,我在场,可以看好戏!哈哈!其实,如果我在场的话,很有可能会把她从窗口推下去的。无聊的女生。没有大脑!想自杀,就自己去吧!别防碍室友的安眠!你们或许很奇怪,我怎么突然这么无情。其实,你们也知道我的性格啊。我只是说说而已啦。但是,我对像她这种人没有很大 的耐心,也很看不顺眼。她有一对那么爱她的双亲,却还想自杀?真是辜负了父母亲!这种自私的人,实在想对她说:“想死,就去死吧!你啊,活在世上只会给人 添麻烦。”

其实,到头来,她只是想吸引别人的注意,不会真的跳楼啦!不然的话,她怎么会告诉这么多的人呢?“昨天,我难过到差一点儿想跳 楼。” 我很了解这一点。 但是,心理教授说过:“75%成功自杀的人有提过自杀的念头,但是亲戚朋友都没有察觉到,或以为他们在开玩笑。所以,如果朋友这么对你说,你就得提高警惕 了。以防万一。”所以,虽然心里很想说:“想死,就去死吧”这种没良心的话,嘴巴就是不肯听我的使唤。我实在没办法说出那刻薄的话。最后,只能对她说:“ 你要保证下次不要再做这种傻事了!”

她对我说:“你以为那些美国,欧洲的男生来日本干什么?是来找日本妹当他们暂时的女朋友。如果他们可 以这么想,这么做,那我也可以一样在这里找日本男生。” 你知不知道,当她这么说,我真想给她两巴掌。如果那些男人来日本的目的是来杀人放火打抢,那你也就可以一样为非作歹吗?什么歪理啊?真是气死我了!笨到家!只有一个字形 容这家伙:笨! [日语:馬鹿だろう!]

多希望她对我诉苦的当儿,Daryn 在场。 :( Daryn 不像我,吞吞吐吐的。她一定会有办法骂醒她的。


I wrote in Mandarin for a certain reason. Don't expect a translation. For those who can't read... Erm, too bad? It's not important anyways.

Today, we had mochi for dinner. O-mochi. There was toasted mochi, dipped into soy sauce (しょゆ)and wrapped with a piece of seaweed (the kind that we ate when we were in Primary school and they only cost 10cents per packet. Or 20cents at most). We also had kinako. This is mochi that is soaked in water, and microwaved (well, for the packet version. For the mochi that is handmade... obviously you wouldn't do the above, ne?). It becomes soft and very sticky. We then put the mochi into a bowl with soybean powder (just like the Pasar Malam in Singapore where u have mochi with peanuts). Thereafter, we can add anko (red bean paste) if we want to. Very sweet, but very nice. I like it. Told Okaasan that I can buy the mochi back, plus anko, plus the soybean powder :) haha. don't know if we have it in Singapore. :P

I shared the milk matcha with my home stay family. When I brought out the packet, Okaasan and Yuko both exclaimed, "ほんまに伯母さん!” (really aunty!) Haha, Okaasan then said, "You like black sugar, matcha and anko. All obasan like." (obasan = aunty). Hahahaha. is it my fault that I've got OLD taste? =P

But, they liked the milk matcha. Yuko made hot milk and added the powder. She says it's delicious. But Okaasan, carefully counting her calories, decided to just stick with milk matcha powder (65 calories). It's a little expensive, but worth it lah. :) I liked it very very much. Next up, tomorrow I will try the soybean cocoa. Haha, it was really expensive, but I decided to buy it anyways. Cos, where else can u try it if u cant find it in Singapore right? =)

Told Okaasan I'm going to Ginkaku-ji. She was like, "eh... kirei ja arimasen!" (not beautiful) But I convinced her that I was going to take pictures of it when the leaves are green, and then again, when leaves are red. Haha.

Aiyah, the number of times I visit Kyoto is uncountable. I really really love kyoto. :) I asked Fangyu, "What have you been doing during weekends?" and he said, "浪费钱" which is sort of true for me too lah. But then, I always pack lunch :) so it's okay. haha. Tomorrow, I will pack lunch for both Daryn and I, so we don't have to be pathetic and eat dango on the streets again. 1 stick of dango for 100yen. I saw 4 sticks of dango for 100yen at the kombini. Felt so cheated. :(

Like I mentioned in one of my previous post, I'm REALLY behind my knitting. MUST finish knitting. MUST MUST MUST. :x it's midterms exams the week after, so must quickly finish my scarves.


  1. huey... ur jap is really good... u r learning so fast lor... next time you can teach me... oh man, i wanna be in japan too... but how is your throat? Drink more water... and juice? GEt well soon huey.... *cheer for huey* ~~

  2. i thought is green bean powder?
    im driven mad by fyp. oh fucks.
    and im not getting slp n breaking out... SOBZ. i wanna be on exchange!!

    shoutout to jia: STONEY doesnt like radiation!! catcus die faster when near the com or tv ;)

  3. to cher: SOBZ there is mei you jiu for stoney already... :( I put him by the window sill, no radiation leh... btw i miss u cher jiayou for sch and fyp! *cheer for cher*

  4. aapne cheene bhashe meh jo likha, woh bahut theek laga. kuch samajh mein nahin aaya, lekin dikhne mein kaafi khubsoorat tha.

    if you dun follow hindi, too bad.

  5. to Jia: 私の日本語は上手じゃありません。でも、はい!がんばります!元気テキシブクはいいです。皆の日本語(textbook)は悪いです!My throat is better. My cough and flu is worse. Imagine blowing your nose in public in a country where blowing your nose in public is considered rude. And where people who have caught a cold wear masks... :(

    To the rest: I have/will reply you guys separately

  6. that is so uncomfortable when you can't blow your nose when you want to.. get well soon!

  7. To XZ: I dont care, just blow anyways. hahahahahahaha.
