Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I was feeling down when I received a message from JJ. It sort of brightened up my night. Thank you! =)

今晚,下了一场大雨。在雨中漫步,有种浪漫但悲伤的感觉。不知道为什么,就是想哭。可能是因为太多压力,可能是因为昨晚不够睡,可能是因为就快要离开日本了,也可能是因为莫人。好想跟老天爷说:“再给我多一点时间。。。求求你。。。我不想回家。还想在日本待几个月。不为什么。只因为喜欢日本。只因为不想回去一个充满压力的地方。只因为,在这里,我最开心。虽然冷,但是,每天,我都好开心!” 如果这样就能实现愿望,那该多好,不是吗?


I never thought my class was a special class until one day, Paulina sat in our class and told Michele that my class was so fun. I thought all SPJ classes were like ours. She said that our class seemed like it was close, we all made fun of each other, all talked to each other. It's very interactive, and we're responsive to the teacher. It's different, she said, from the class that she is in... Haha, I'm thankful that I'm in my class, and I got to know all my classmates. :) I'll miss them and their antics. Especially random comments like, "You're going on a date with Mary, aren't you?" that Andrew would throw at Finley-san. Or "Takeshi-san likes Mary, but Mary has no interest in Takeshi-san". Haha, and the best group acting award went to this love triangle between Takeshi-san, Mary-san and Roberto-san, acted by Andrew, Orrin and Matt. Haha. We love our Genki I characters. =)

And when I go back.. I'd say, “懐かしい!” Sighs.

1 comment:

  1. huey~

    i left an offline msg for u on msn, did u see?

    is it ok? m(_ _)m

    take care... i'm sad abt leaving too...
