Tuesday, December 2, 2008

When you're sian and got (some)nothing better to do in the computer lab

Daryn and I were in the Comp Lab today. Me looking for info on market share for my industry, and she doing her psych report.

This is what we eventually ended up looking at:

She found these on deviant art when she was doing her paper on superstitions in Japan.

I was super amazed. I'll consider making one of these next week =) For Daryn, it definitely has to be the cat (2nd picture). So cute, isn't it???


I told the class during my presentation last Wednesday that it shocked me that in Japan, suicide is not illegal because in Singapore, it is. One of the comments I got (I just read them) was:

The most interesting part of your presentation was: "In Japanese culture, suicide is not illegal, and not prohibited, though prohibited in China."

The thing(s) I'd like to know more about your topic is (are): How was suicide prohibited in China?

Reminds me of that time at Discovery Cove when I told a British guy I am from Singapore and he asked, "How do you feel about returning to China?" [with reference to Hong Kong returning to China in 1997]. It never fails to amuse me. Which is why I joined a group on Facebook named, We may be small..but we're not in China.

And yes, suicide IS illegal in Singapore. I checked it out. But, the police don't really convict people lah. I remember I asked Fred Long and he said that the police look at it case-by-case.


  1. RE the chance of being prosecuted for attempting suicide - Singapore doesn't forgive failure!

  2. woa i thought u came up with those yourselves =P.

  3. btw, i wanna to pay respect to Yong Kuan, whoever you are. That comment was damn hilarious.

  4. Much as I'd hate to say this... I have to agree that YK's comment was hilarious. haha. Singapore doesn't forgive failure indeed! =P

    To Nat: Haha, you wish. =P I can't cook, remember?
