Friday, December 12, 2008

Little things...

The weighing machine has spoken.

I have officially gained, ehem, 5kg since coming to Japan. Isn't that interesting? That I lost weight in US but gained weight in Japan. Other people lose weight in Japan but gain weight in US. I never figure this out. Sighs, indicates: a) too much full cream milk (like 2 glasses a day, and then some...) b) 5 meals a day is a little too much, even if they are little meals c) late night eating while stressing out is getting to me d) maybe I should eat dinner earlier, instead of at 9.30pm e) the swing is going to break the next time I sit on it.

Okaasan said to worry about my weight when I go back to Singapore. Actually, sometimes I think, when I go back to Singapore, I'd miss Japanese food so much I won't be able to get used to Singapore food anymore. Then I won't eat as much as I do now. Haha, but that's an assumption that I can't make cos with food, I never know. I thought I wouldn't like Japanese food, but ended up eating wayyyyyyyyyyyy more than I expected. And I like the sushi and sashimi here too. haha, so there, Teddy Bear! I like raw fish JUST FINE (only in Japan though).


RWJ reading test went fine. I stumbled over several simple words, but caught myself in time. She said my reading was good, so I'm not worrying all that much for RWJ.


According to our Entrepreneurship Business Plan, we're making a loss of 160,000 yen per year. For 5 years. Now, tell me how to sell this idea to investors when we're constantly making a loss, and there's no way to make a profit?

I spent hours on the projections. Daryn and I entered the computer lab at 10.30 and only left it at 5pm. I had it ready by 2.30 when I realised that it was complete bullshit, the projections. So, had to re-do it, and got it FINALLY done at 5 to give to PP.

This project is DRIVING ME CRAZY. I was so stressed in the computer lab, and it was so hot (and I was wearing a sweater that I couldn't take off) that I snapped a little at PP when she asked me a question on the project. Gomen ne~ Didn't mean to! =X

Good thing that Daryn got one of her reports done, and is halfway through another of her report. At least today wasn't wasted. Even though Kobe would have been nice, I think, this is of more importance.


Book Off is just fantastic. I can spend 10 hours in it, and not get tired of the manga in it. Daryn got a few more yaoi manga and Gothic Loli magazines while I spent the time reading shoujo manga. No, I can't understand the words most of the time, but when I can, I feel a sense of great achievement. And there's always pictures to help. I contemplated getting some Japanese books just for fun, but then I realised if I couldn't understand a single word in it, and if there are no pictures to help me, I wouldn't read them at all. It'd be so dry, and so painful to go through the dictionary every single sentence. So, that's why I'd prefer to get manga. At least, I'd be able to guess what's going on. Best of all, they have kana beside the kanji, so I know how to pronounce it, and can find the meaning on electronic dictionaries. Bad thing is, it's all casual speech, so I'd end up speaking like, "zou nan da" instead of "zou desuka", but then I say "zou nan da" anyways cos I've incorporated Daryn's speech patterns into my own. She also has incorporated my way of speaking too. Haha.

I plan to go to Book Off after exams next Tuesday. I suspect we'd have a full day of rehearsals on Wednesday, so I'd head to Book off to chill before the horrible presentation rehearsals. Given the SMU training, should be no problem. But, I remember a long, long time ago, I complained to D., "I hate presentations. I'm so freaking scared every single time" and he replied, "You've been doing presentations throughout your SMU schoollife; you're used to it. So, why are you so worried?" Sometimes, some things aren't always, "Practice makes perfect" you know.... Haha, even for Issues presentation 2 weeks ago, I was so nervous that I tripped on some of my words. =X

I wonder, how many manga can I bring back before I get charged with overweight luggage taxes? Hmm... I don't wanna ship them back because I worry they might get wet, or get lost. I don't want!!! They're my bao-bei!!! Haha. From USA, I brought back 13 or so books, some of which were very old psychology books. My luggage was really really heavy, I remember.. But then, I had 64kg to play with. I managed to get it to around 50kg or so. I only have 25kg to play with now. =X


I want to stay in japan just a bit longer, if only to read all the manga in Book off before I leave... =X

Daryn tells me, "You should read scanlations" but then, I hate scanlations online. They hurt my eye, take 10 years to load, and are blurry =( And manga here is only like SGD1.50. For me to get manga in Japanese in Singapore, it'd cos me AT LEAST SGD9.00 (before stealing the Kino card from FY of course).


Let me seriouslyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy consider my options.

I'll be sending Daryn off to the airport. That'd cost me 4000 yen. NOTE, THAT'S ONE WAY. *sighs* So expensive. =( blow off SGD100 on TRAVELLING only on the 23rd Dec. *sighs* But I can't not send her off... I'll miss her so much...

Thank Goodness I asked for extra money to be changed and brought over for me last month. I don't suppose I'd spend it, but still, just in case...

Okay, back to presentation slides...

Hmm, speaking of presentation slides... I think I'd need Teddy's help on this one too. Haha, I remember the LAST presentation I had. I sent him the ppt slides and then he totally pengz lah. Haha. He said something along the lines of, what kinda SMU student are you who cannot do a presentation slide???? BLACK AND WHITE?


Haha. Onegai, Teddy-san!!! [that is if I ever see you online lah]

P.S. Okaasan thinks I have no life (and maybe no friends other than Daryn). She said to me just now, when I returned home, usually our host kids go out on Fridays and stay out till the next morning. It wasn't meant to be mean or anything. It was just an observation. I told her, "I've got a lot of tests and projects, so I can't go out. I don't like smoke and I don't really drink so I don't go to clubs at all." And she's like, "But in Hirakata-shi, they go karaoke, bowling etcetc".. Haha, to which I have no answer except to smile and say, "I'm a good student :P"

I must be the boring-est host student she's ever had. I'm so boring and unhappening lah. My life is just, "oh, im going to kyoto" or "osaka" and "I'll be back for dinner" and "I'll be late cos I've got project meeting, but I'll be back for dinner" or "I have a lot of tests this week so I'll be in my room studying"... Why can't I be the kind who likes partying, huh? Or be the kind who'd buy a lot of alcohol and sit at the playground for 3 hours drinking in the cold? [instead, I buy icecream and eat it in the rain]. Or be the kind who'd go to a gay bar watching drag queens and sipping drinks throughout the night?

On Thurs when Sakihabara-sensei was going through some grammar exercises, she asked, "Who's done it?" and only I raised my hand [hey! I slept at 1.30am just to finish those exercises!]. So, she said, "Lee-san wa ii gakusei desu ne." [Ms Lee is a good student, isn't she?] and the entire class sniggered. I'm over the age where that'd affect me. I think a long time ago, that'd have made me pretty upset. But now, I just think it's very funny. haha... It's definitely a case of being goody-two-shoes-ish. HAHAHAHAHAHAAH. I wear my "good student" badge proudly. =P

P.P.S. I'm cutting my hair tomorrow! yay! haha. same hairstyle lah, just thinner. Thick hair is useful for winter to keep my neck warm, but it's really difficult to dry, plus it makes me look like a lion... =X So, cutting it tomorrow...




  1. seriously consider mailing the books back..i don't think you will be so unlucky to lose the parcel or get it wet..

    the extra charges you will have to pay for overweight luggage is not worth it..

  2. huey... i'm feeling sad... ;;

    btw what song are the lines from?
