Sunday, December 7, 2008

Osaka-jo Museum and Osaka Peace Centre

[/edit]: I'm freaking sick of exams, ENDLESS FREAKING tests, ENDLESS QUIZZES, and papers that I've not written...


Osaka-jo Museum was a total disappointment. Both Daryn and I expected it to be an actual castle, like Nijojo. But... It turned out to be a museum thingie. How utterly upsetting.

I didn't expect much of the Osaka Peace Centre, but I actually enjoyed it more than Osaka-jo. It documents the horrors of war. There was this story of this lady who was carrying a baby on her back. The baby was headless, and blood was gushing from its gaping neck. Yet, she hadn't realised because she was carrying the baby on her back. The witness told his sister, "Don't let her know..." It was so sad when I read the accounts of the survivors that I felt like crying *sighs*.

Then, they had this part of the centre dedicated to the war in South-east Asia. I read the captions, saw the pictures and thought to myself, "So, they do know what happened in the SEA region during the war." Unfortunately, they don't publicize it. When Daryn and I were there, we only saw like 5 people at most... 5 people in the entire building is quite a feat. On a Sunday! Goes to show how much interest people have in the peace centre.

It was really depressing though, watching the videos of invasion, seeing mutiliated bodies and reading accounts of the witnesses. In the words of my guidebook, a "sobering experience".

After that, Daryn and I went off for lunch/dinner at 4pm. She ate ramen and I ate dan-dan noodles. Haha, just noodles, nothing in it. BUT BUT BUT THERE WAS CHILI PADI. Hahahahaha. That made me happy. Daryn's had kimchi, which made HER happy. Haha, so both of us were happy with our lunch. :)

I've got a ton of work to do, but I'm happy to say, Federowicz's paper is done.

One down, 2 to go.

Lesson test tomorrow :(

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